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Houze Vidrio Uranium Slag Glass Electric Lighter

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Cigar and Cigarette Lighters281 of 477Fierce Tiger Brand Squirel Model Windproof Lighter Berger lighter made in japan any one know about these lighters?
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (158 items)

    Finally got one of these lighters with the "guts". The glass was made by Houze Glass for Vidrio.These really pop under blacklight.These are meant to be kept plugged in but it only lights when you turn it sideways or upside down.It came in two pieces,the glass and the lighter(wish I had taken pic of lighter) The wire for the lighter was almost gone...the insulation was dried and mostly fallen off.So I rewired it and she works !

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      That's just the coolest thing ever, never heard of a lighter like that.
      Do they have a mercury switch in them?
    2. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 11 years ago
      Thanks vet,aghcollect,Doc,walksoftly,racer,van,fix,Phil and fort !!! The switch is oblong and sounds and feels like there is a steel ball inside which I'm guessing rolls into position to complete a circuit ? Not really sure but I will try to find out walksoftly .
    3. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      Doesn't sound like a mercury switch then, it's nasty stuff anyways.

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