Posted 11 years ago
(1469 items)
A PAUL KEDELV piece of Art Glass in the Cocquille Series. I lucked out as this is an very Early piece as it is signed '53 (1953). Paul Kedelv left Flygsfor in 1956 and only then *did he sign them Cocquille*. So this only has his signature, date, and Flygsfor on the bottom. Imagine, I found this early piece here in CANADA.....LOL. I bought this at an Antique Show ONLY for the reason it was signed. I wanted ONE signed piece and this is what I bought. Glad I did!! This is the smaller piece about 5 inches tall.
Sorry for the poorer images, I took these a long time ago...must take some new one....LOL. I did put powder on the bottom to help bring out the signature.
Jealous big time!!!!
.....and to think I found this here in Canada (Prairie provinces). Wonder what little story this Glass item could tell as it traveled the miles over years and eras from where it was made!!
Thanks for the LOVES:
SEAN68 -------------> Thank you Sean for the Comment!!!
Was just looking around here and noted that the Date of 1953 on mine must be pretty early and is not signed "Coquille" either.
Might be a little treasure I have here? Maybe??
Thanks ARTISLOVE for the love on this item!!
Thanks ~ austrohungaro ~ for the LOVE
Thanks ~ AURA ~ for the love
Kinda neat as most on-line will say * Cocquille * on them in this date range. So this IS very early due to that...... 1953......and a bit more Rare I think.
It is unique .....