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Sarah Kay Doll

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Dolls3012 of 5005Doll purchased in Japan1960? Pussy Cat Madame Alexander Dolls
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (6 items)

    Trying to find information on this Sarah Key doll. This was found in my aunt's estate and I am curious where she might have bought this? Does anyone know if it is valuable or not? I love looking at her beautiful things and wish I would have asked a lot more questions...
    Thanks so much!

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      I believe what I can't read on one foot she is a Anri doll .
      1980s, was handmade at the Anri woodcarving workshops at St. Christina in the Dolomite Mountains of South Tyrol, Italy. For what we call a newer collectible doll she has held her value and if you had box and her papers would be worth more , She is a fine quality doll and valued by what a person will pay minimum $100 and up depending on if she is very clean and no damage . Yes I don't often say contemporary dolls have much value but she is a very nice one ,
      It does say Anri right ?
    2. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      She should be numbered on back of her neck they made 1000 of her "Elizabeth"
      Let me know if you have box ok
    3. mlschutte6 mlschutte6, 11 years ago
      Yes, it does say Anri...She is in excellent condition...My aunt traveled to Italy in the late 70's early 80's so this makes sense...She might have the paperwork but I doubt the box...
      Thanks so much for helping me!!!
    4. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      The paper work would help but she is quite a collectible doll even in todays market because they were hand carved . Keep her hair in a net and her out of sunlight to maintain her and not fade her clothes or discolor her . :-)
    5. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Oh it is Sarah Kay she came on board as a artist to company later . They have a long history as wood carvers . Mark this solved and the repro dog ok so I don't get lost or others please :-) Your aunt left you many treasures to care for :-)
    6. mlschutte6 mlschutte6, 11 years ago
      Yes, she is 748/1000
    7. mlschutte6 mlschutte6, 11 years ago
      How do I mark as solved?
    8. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      You can't I did not see you did not post as help me solve . There is a place when you post and you need help to solve a item it draws people to it to help ID it . I see now you did not click that so you don't need to mark solved :-)
    9. mlschutte6 mlschutte6, 11 years ago
      Great...Did you see the other boston door stop? I have read the article mentioned but I thought the other one was an original and now I can see it was not...

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