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1940's Coca-Cola Display Rack & Lincoln Truck

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spriteboy42's loves46 of 165two old trays2/3's of a 1920's Coca-Cola Bottle Carrier
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (120 items)

    Its been forever since I have made a post on here so thought I better take the time and let you guys know im still alive lol. Sorry for not keeping in touch I have been very busy with work and had little time to relax or even search for antiques. In the past 3 months its pretty tough to find any good coca cola antiques, but I did find two items! I think both are from the late 1940's one is a display rack the other is a toy lincoln truck. The display rack was cover in raccoon poop, and required alot of TLC, but I really wanted this style rack and now it looks great with my other 4 metal display stands. The lincoln truck is another item I have always wanted but hard to find and usually pricey when found. It was missing the original grill so I was able to find a repo grill at a local antique store. I was thinking about buying some repo wood cases for it, but cant decide how many I should buy. I managed to find a seller that has them and I have been told it originally had 24 wood cases for the truck should I buy 24 for it? Let me know what you guys think, always good to hear from you all.

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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 11 years ago
      Awesome display rack Trevor! Your collection looks better than ever. Well done.
    2. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Thanks alot Dave, great to hear from you, I got a quick question if you dont mind, I was wondering if you think repo cases for the lincoln truck would be good buy? I'm pretty sure I can get 12 for 30$ plus shipping, should I get just 12 or 24 to complete the truck?
    3. spriteboy42 spriteboy42, 11 years ago
      Love the truck! tough find.
    4. Trey Trey, 11 years ago
      I found a rack like that the other day, should of bought it. Is 200.00 to much for this rack?
    5. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Thanks Bill great to hear from you. In your opinion do you think 24 repo cases is over doing it for the truck or completing it? I'm thinking about only buying 12, but have the chance to buy the full 24 if I want.

      Hoping someone will give me a second opinion on what they would do, please and thanks.
    6. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Trey in my area its very hard to find display racks under 200$ especially this style rack. I dont know if this rack is more common in your area, but I ended up paying 220$ CAD for mine. I almost got the US version of this rack (same frame different slogan) a couple weeks ago at a local auction, but was outbided. It had alot of interest at my local auction ended up going for 325$, plus 10% buyers fee, plus 13% tax, so all together almost 400$!!!
    7. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Great to see all the LOVES!!! Thank you very much; geo26e, nutsabotas6, fortapache, officialfuel, Dave, mtg75, Bill, fifties50s, sanhardin, trukin20, Trey, Chevelleman69, antiquerose, chevy59, Longings, crswerner, surgargirl, shughs, ttomtucker, farmlady, egreeley1976, and leighannrn.
    8. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 11 years ago
      I don't see anything wrong with displaying with repro cases until you can make buys of the authentic versions. I'm pretty sure I've seen them pop up on eBay from time to time.

      Keep on Truckin', Trev.
    9. tommy1002 tommy1002, 11 years ago
      Hey Trev, you didn't pay too much for that rack at all. I'd say a fair price for a great display !! Also, I agree with Dave, load that truck up with those cases.
    10. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 11 years ago
      Thanks alot Dave and Tom!!!! I thinking im just going buy 12 repo cases for my truck for now, and hope to find 12 more original cases in the next few years. I found a seller on ebay that has 24 of them for sale, but I kind of think 24 repo cases would be overdoing it.

      Thanks for the loves; Designer, chrissylovescats, CocaCola22, Dan121156, EJW-54, ks85, and Tom!

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