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Ride-on truck

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Toys4302 of 5689Marx Fort Apache Playset #3681Barely Seen Bear
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1 item)

    Ride-on cistern truck, pressed metal, original paint, vintage.
    26" long x 9" wide.

    My father passed away a short while ago, he had this hidden at the very back of storage room...I've never seen it before now! Just curious to ID it before I let my kids play with grandad's toy. Thank for the help.

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      These are nice!!
    2. AzTom AzTom, 11 years ago
      That's a 1930's Keystone and rather rare. You almost never see the tanker. The fire truck and open bed trucks run in the $200.00 - $600.00.

      I would put that one up and get the kids a new one.
    3. Geered, 11 years ago
      Wow thanks for the tip AzTom! But... They have already seen it! Won't be easy: I first might have to trade with them to get it back ;-) Just happy to have more info on it. It's dating would prove that it was used by family, most possibly Dad since he's the one to have kept it. Thanks again.
    4. Geered, 11 years ago
      CAN someone offer a LINK to a catalogue of Keystone trucks ? Please and thank You.
    5. AzTom AzTom, 11 years ago
      I have a few on my Pinterest page

      Every paint chip will decrease the value some.
    6. Geered, 11 years ago
      Thank you so much AzTom, I'll look it up.
    7. Otaco4me Otaco4me, 9 years ago
      Great truck in really good condition. Paint, decal looks as good as one could hope. I would treasure that truck more than any restored version. Just the right amount of wear to give it soul. If the grandkiddies wore pj's or similar, I would let them play with it a bit. If it was me as a child, I wouldn't let me near it. Probably ride it down a steep hill and wipe it out. Great treasure from Keystone's quality toy line.

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