Posted 11 years ago
(389 items)
This item is about 20" long, and made out of hand forged segments that latch together. Each segment is about 2" wide and the pointed hooks are about 1.5" long.
When I acquired it, I didn't know what it was. I first thought it was a seed corn drying rack, so I displayed it with small ears of miniature indian corn.
After seeing that it linked together like a collar,I thought that I had a dog fighting collar. A fellow collector told me he had a colonial era dog fighting collar and it was too flimsy to be a dog collar.
After years of displaying it and inquiring sugestions as to what it was, I came upon it's true nature. After researching it as a possible sheep collar, it proves to be just that.....a sheeps collar.
So how was it used..... well, it turns out that when wolves roamed the country side, a farmer lost many of his herd of sheep to them. This occured especially if they were left out in the pasture over night.
If you shave a small ring of wool from the ovine's neck, and link this collar together around the sheep where the wool was removed, the animal will have no ill effect from the prongs. But, if a wolf want a lamb dinner, he usually goes for the neck to bring the sheep down . To his surprise, he gets a muzzle full of sharp tines and with a little luck, the sheep will have enough time to skidaddle to the barn before the wolf realizes what just happened........ hotairfan
Thanks! Love hearing these sorts of stories.
Nice bit of blacksmithing too.
I have never seen one of these. Unique and awesome!!!
Do you think this is 18th century?
it also prevents the sheep from any illicit necking!
It is entirely hand forged, so, yes, I do believe it is either late 18th or early 19th century BHock45
PS. I like your wit ho2cultcha
I happen to believe that this is not a sheep's collar. Instead I think it is a sheep dog's collar. Tell me what you think:
Remaining relatively isolated on Turkey's central plains until the last third of this century, the Anatolian has been maintained by Turkish shepherds in the tradition of their forefathers. Anatolians still perform their work in an area that stretches from the Anatolian Plateau on to Afghanistan. These dogs serve as the shepherd's frontline of defense from predators. Their job is to protect the flock, not move it. They are capable of repelling or killing the large wolves, lions and jackals found thoughout many parts of Turkey. These dogs are often times outfitted with iron-spiked collars to protect their necks when they go into battle with a predator. According to Turkish tradition, young Anatolians must prove themselves to their owners by killing a wolf before they are given a spiked collar to protect their necks in future confrontations. You can still see these dogs in Turkey today being outfitted with these collars to help protect them. There are different styles of these collars depending on the region or village in which they were made. Below are some pictures displaying some of the different styles of the Turkish spike collars from my own personal collection.
Thanks for the link BHock45. I am always open to other explanations. When I begin my historical displays and talks at local Historical Societies, I always lead with the comment that "this is what I am told of an item or what I have found out of it and I am always open to suggestions or different opinions as to it's purpose and origin". We are never to old to learn, in fact, after reading the article, I saw another collar that I own. It is the one marked Aksaray Style collar. I never knew it's true purpose. I thought that maybe it was a dog fighting collar because the steel is much heavier and beefier than the posted one. Ask and you will learn..... keep an open mind and you will also learn. Thanks again for the heads-up
Awesome...great piece....have a great day!!!
To BHock45 -
Ever since I read your very informative comment about the sheep collar/dog collar, I was trying to recall exactly where I got the information concerning it's use. It finally dawned on me in the middle of the night. I got the information from a catalog.
The first thing that I did this morning was to look through my catalogs, and there it was. I have a Charles Williams Store Catalog (similar to Sears & Roebuck or Montgomery Ward Catalog) from the 1890's.
Looking through it I found the collar listed and pictured. From the picture, it was too hard to see if it was hand forged as mine is, but it surely was like mine.
The description was that it was used to protect sheep from wolves. I probably just assumed (there I go again assuming) it was used on the sheep's neck and not the protecting dog's neck. Thanks again for the proper usage.
I have another collar that is hand forged but is much more stronger, with shorter spikes (possibly from the 18th century). I thought that this collar was used in early dog fighting.
I was displaying it at a local engine/tractor show when my friend Cody passed by and said that he thought it was used to fit a dog that was used to hunt bears. I'll post it in the near future.
hotairfan...maybe these things had multiple uses. At the museum I saw very similar collars. They called them Calf Weaning Collars. Although they were a little different than yours, it was the same idea. A collar with spikes. Are you familiar with the weaning collars? I thought they were interesting also. Looking forward to your future posts. Have a great day!