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Rindskopf Twisted Form Teal, White and Red Striated Vase

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (256 items)

    When I opened the shipping box containing my newest Rindskopf vase, I was shocked by the size of the vase's base, which was the first part I was able to see. It looked massive! Although this vase is 10" tall, the base is 5-3/4" across! It is very heavy, and gives the impression of a very big vase, even though it is only 10" tall - this guy commands attention! ;) It is a beauty - very iridescent, in teal with white and red striations. I show it next to another Rindskopf I have in the same colors, but in a different marbled decor. In the fourth picture of this vase, I have tried to show a detail of the striated patterning on the teal base glass.

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    1. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
    2. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Thank you, Lee! :)
    3. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Michelle, you have incredible luck and taste XOXOX
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Lee, you are too sweet! I found this one described as an "old hand-blown art glass vase" - yay! :)
    5. Moonstonelover21 Moonstonelover21, 11 years ago
      Michelle, need I say more?
    6. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Thanks Craig! :)
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Eye Candy, 4 sure!!!!
    8. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      Antiquerose, thank you!
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      It's amazing how the size question works when one buys online... no matter you know it measures X and you have prepared room for it, sometimes you get something so huge you get shocked :) has hapended a thousand times to me LOL
    10. bracken3 bracken3, 11 years ago
      Very Nice!
    11. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      ks85, thank you! I was lucky to get it! :)
    12. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      bracken3, thanks!
    13. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 11 years ago
      austrohungaro, I know exactly what you mean. I think it has to do with their mass - especially with some of the Rindskopf pieces! :)

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