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[ Item # 3 of 3 ] -----> OLD PHOTOS Packaging

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Military and Wartime4157 of 7283Unidentified badge - 1928 with wings and oms[ Item # 2 of 3 ] -----> OLD PHOTOS
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1467 items)

    THIS is 3 of 3 POSTS THAT ALL GO I bought them as one item, just have to post each Separately to show and Explain:


    The 2 Old B & W photos of Group of Men in suits was mailed to KANADA (Canada) in old cardboard wrapping. It appears that this cardboard wrap is FROM a ** Military C.A.R.E - RATION Drop Box**. Back in those days, everything was saved. The cardboard does have stamped on it:

    ~ RATION 10 in 1
    ~ ? ANT WAR ?

    (? I think it says ??)

    I know nothing about these people in the photos --- and this is Why I think it could have something?? to do with the Military as it appears they were mailed to KANADA (Canada) using Military CARE cardboard box to mail them. Of course, this is just an educated guess. Anyways how often do you find old cardboard from a MILITARY FOOD CARE BOX that *might* have been dropped by a War Plane?? That alone should be very collectible, IMHO. Enjoy the *set* of picture ( 3 posts) of this mystery. This is the LAST POST of the group of 3 posts posted about everything here.

    I am assuming Military DUE to this part of the unknown story here.

    Thxs............Any info is Welcomed!!

    Unsolved Mystery

    Help us close this case. Add your knowledge below.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Lake Lenore?

      It all began with the dream of a German Catholic settlement in the new land of Canada. German Catholics were encouraged to leave their homes across the border and settle in Saskatchewan where they would be under the spiritual leadership of the Benedictine monks. As early as 1903 settlers came and seven brothers by the name of Gerwing were among the first to arrive in our area.

      Louis Schober was one of "five implement dealers" listed in 1929.
      He worked for Massey Harris? These days aka Massey Ferguson.

      The photos date to 1900. Just before the emigration.
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      @vetraio50. Thank you so much for the Info. I just read some of it. Looks like LOUIS SCHOBER might have also ran/been the Blacksmith too. Says in the article this also:

      " L.Lenore Blacksmith Shop - L. Schober "

      Thanks for the love and the Speedy work there!!
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Yeah he was a blacksmith born in Greifenburg in Carinthia. He joined the Navy and worked in the Pacific.
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      The author of the article I just mentioned was Michaela C Schober. Maybe she might know?
      She is mentioned here:

      Same surname.
    5. aghcollect aghcollect, 11 years ago
      The last word in red is ANTWERP
    6. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      ANTWERP! The puzzle falls together.

      C.A.R.E. was an American civilian relief organization founded at the end of WWII, originally to help people starving in Europe after that war. People could pay $10 to send a “CARE Package” to Europe. The first CARE packages were US Army Rations left over from the war. Antwerp is a major port and I presume the first destination for many of these packages that were then distributed elsewhere in Europe.
      This box was first a WWII US Army ration box, and then it was marked as a CARE package and shipped across the Atlantic to Antwerp to help the hungry of Europe. The box ended up in the possession of the person who used the cardboard to mail the photos (taken in Klagenfurt Austria) back across the Atlantic to Lake Elsinore!

      Quite a tale of early re-use/recycle!
    7. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      er...I meant Lake Lenore. I seem to have Hamlet on my mind.

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