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Coke Machine. Ray I know you know.

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (8 items)

    Ray, i know your out there! Tell me about these, please. Far as I know they are all original.

    Mystery Solved
    Coke Machines
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    1. Ray, 15 years ago
      Nice machines. VMC 33's? Nice size too...under 5 feet tall. Do they both work? Are you selling them? The only drawback is the Coca-Cola logo on front is decaled instead of embossed. Where do you live wolf?
    2. Lonewolf, 15 years ago
      Thinking about it Ray. Talk to me
    3. lonewolf121 lonewolf121, 15 years ago
      Ray, not big on machines. 33's is what I came up with as well. Live in Washington. Very much thinking about it.
    4. Ray, 15 years ago
      Very much thinking about what, selling them. Do you own both of them? I know someone in the Florida Keys who might be interested in one...if the price is right.
    5. lonewolf121 lonewolf121, 15 years ago
      Whats the right price
    6. Ray, 15 years ago
      For me? $1000...or less.
    7. lonewolf121 lonewolf121, 15 years ago
      No. Too low, they were my grandfathers.
    8. Ray, 15 years ago
      ...and your grandfather acquired them for free I'm sure. So you don't have any money invested in them. So any money you get is 100% profit. $1200...and that's the best I can do. But you need to email me more photos.
    9. lonewolf121 lonewolf121, 15 years ago
      Ray, I think I am going to keep them. Thanks though.
    10. Andrew C., 14 years ago
      I seen you commented that you like the 1930s westinghouse cooler, i have the top doors to that cooler with no rust and paint is still in good condition and all original but no cooler just curious if you knew how much the doors them self would be worth and if you or you knew anyone interested in purchasing the cooler door.
    11. lonewolf121 lonewolf121, 14 years ago
      Don't know the value, or anybody interested in them. What I would do is contact someone who restores a lot of coke items. The only person I can think of right now is Rick's Restoration in Vegas. He is easy to find on the net. Hope this helps, wish you the best, Lonewolf.
    12. lonewolf121 lonewolf121, 14 years ago
      Andrew, as fate would have it, might have found you a source to move those lids. reach me at
    13. Dan121156 Dan121156, 14 years ago
      Had one just like it, but did not keep it. Purchased it for 50 bucks around 30 years ago, sold it 20 years ago for about $250... dumb me, kind of regret selling it... Oh well made money.
    14. john shank, 14 years ago
      ray i have a coke a cola machine model# bujt it isnt a 10cent machine it is a 6cent machine and i was wondering what would be the cost on this machine,or what would be a good offer to take for it? please email me back to let me know.thank-you john s.

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