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Scandinavian (Finnish?) earthenware horse figurine

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Scandinavian Pottery168 of 236Vase from Egebjerg Pottery (Denmark), 1909-1919.Uranium Glaze Vase, H.H.C. Kähler (Denmark), 1900-1920
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (4 items)

    I found this in a little shop in Stockholm and have been trying to figure out who made it - it is unmarked. It looks a bit like some Kupittaan Savi pieces I have seen but have not found anything exactly like it... I adore this little horse and would love to know more about her!

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    1. getthatmonkeyoutofme getthatmonkeyoutofme, 11 years ago
      Vintage_Joe helped me to id my horse
      Therefore Kupittaan Savi Oy ?
    2. agritty, 11 years ago
      Thanks very much - it looks quite similar to me as well, but the construction is a bit different so I am not sure. Your horse is gorgeous!

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