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Chinese "Sculptural" Shadow Box "Summer" Lotus /Looks like Semi-Precious Materials...But is it ?/ROC/Taiwan Circa 1940's

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1232 items)

    Found another shadow box today at our local GW. This time it's an Asian still life of lotus flowers in a vase made of what appears to be jade and it may or may not be, but it still is quite nice. The colors are beautiful and the flowers petals are translucent and delicate. It's 12" x 30" and in a black lacquer frame. The still life is on a gold painted wood panel and surrounded with a red and gold silk brocade border. I figure this dates from either just before the war or after but probably the 40's. There are a couple on Ebay that have the exact frame and mat but with different still lives and figures.They are calling the designs semi-precious stones such as, jade, coral, bone, rose quartz, and other materials, but I wonder. Also, there was probably a label reading ROC (Republic of China)/ Taiwan but mine is missing. Aside from the writing in the upper corner there are no marks. It usually describes the picture with a poetic verse such as "Blooming flowers smiling in spring". Going to take some doing to translate it, but I'll try ! -Mike-

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    1. geo26e geo26e, 11 years ago
      Mike, the 4 characters top to bottom translates : Summer, heat, wind, theme.
      I guess there should be 3 other pictures in the set for Spring, Autumn & Winter.
      Hope this helps. George
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      Thanks so much George :) I figured there should have been a least a pair. I did ask the clerk at the Goodwill store if there were more that they hadn't put out yet and she said no. It seems I can never find pairs or sets. They tend to get separated over the years. Congrats on your 100th post as well ! -Mike-
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      I saw a piece similar to this in a thrift store and almost bought it but some of the petals had come loose and were rattling around in the bottom of the frame. Didn't look as if it could be repaired. Yours is nice.
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 10 years ago
      Thanks Katherine :).... Yes that seems to be the case as the glue dries out after years and years. I pass on the ones falling apart too. I've been searching for the other three. There should be four seasons for mine. It wouldn't be impossible to open them up and re glue them but what a puzzle !
    5. cammons, 5 years ago
      My mom has 4 of these hanging on her wall. She is looking to sell. What are they worth??

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