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Pretty lapis lazuli and mother of pearl silver brooch c. 1900

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (98 items)

    I got this brooch at a flea market in Maastricht, Netherlands. I think it may be originally Dutch or perhaps German. It is very nicely made, with an ornamented silver edge mounted with mother of pearl. The central lapis lazuli stone is big and has lovely silvery gold pyrite inclusions. I wear it often, and it always looks good ?

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      stunning!!!!! Very beautiful Belle!!
    2. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Do you have a age for it. I was led to believe the longer the tip comes out the other side the older it is. I do not know how much fact there is to that only learning
    3. BelleEpoque BelleEpoque, 11 years ago
      Hi Zowie, I'm not sure about the pin lenght, but the C clasp does date the brooch to before 1910, after that most claps have a lock. BTW, thanks to all for the loves!
    4. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Thank you I learnt something new again I wish I could remember were I read about the pin size so I could send it to you but I really cannot remember thanks for the tip. I do believe I have some I will have to get my act together & go through everything as most things are packed up or away.
    5. BelleEpoque BelleEpoque, 11 years ago
      sure, Zowie. I hope to see your pieces on CW soon.
    6. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      As I said packed away like everything else as I don't wear much jewellery it's a job I have been meaning to do for ages sort it all out.
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 11 years ago
      A beauty!
    8. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      It reminds me of this one :
      (Wanted it, but for USA only, Grrr!)
    9. BelleEpoque BelleEpoque, 10 years ago
      Indeed similar, Kyra. You will get it next time! :)

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