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Playing Cards157 of 3092003 - Marlboro Poker Cards SetFournier Playing Cards- wondering how old or collectors item?
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (471 items)

    This pack of cards I think date to the early 1900s ?? They are in a metal case which is in good condition inside and a little tatty outside, it opens by pushing the button on the front & was red at some stage but now a little rusty, inside there is a metal band that unclips to release the cards which are supprisingly in good condition, the cards themselves have a picture of a late 1800 early 1900s lady in a large hat , the front of all the cards have what looks like photos of different areas along the Grand Trunk Railway System obviously in Canada U.S.
    They show allsorts of every day things like a tourist would take photos of on their journey , there are steam trains, boats, people canoeing, fishing , bridges and large buildings even indian teepee's, the back top corner of these cards have a square box with "Grand Trunk Railway System" printed inside, I dont know if this system is still running or not as all the pics are of steam trains and steam ships.
    they are a very nice collectable for railway enthusiasts and poss quite rare as they are complete and good condition..
    Any info will be greatfully recieved

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    1. surfdub66 surfdub66, 11 years ago
      Just done some research on some of the pictures of canada on these cards , I now know they weren't made before 1913 as one of the buildings wasnt built til then!! Also found that some aren't there there anymore and one of the steamships caught fire and killed over 100 people, one of the hotels is haunted too ...
      Its facinating what you can find out on the web in a very short time at the touch of a finger.. :-)

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