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Gold pair of foo dogs

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Foo Dogs and Lions108 of 153Buddha CollectionBrass Dog Stamp from China? Japan?
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (6 items)

    I guess I love these and collect for fun. Each of the pair measure about 13" x 13". light weight carved in gold tone. Details are awesome. I was told they are over 100 years old and priceless to me. They also look great with my other lions and foo's. which are displayed on my carved antique wood table that has lion head handles. I have such fun and think others would have fun too if they found something they love to collect. it helps with pains and stress of every day life. Hope you like photo's Thank you for looking!

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    1. FOO4FUN FOO4FUN, 11 years ago
      I have no idea of material. looks like a gold gild carved lacquer that had been hollowed out from wood? don't know. maybe you do :)
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
    3. FOO4FUN FOO4FUN, 11 years ago
      Thank you Sean68, I fell in love the first time my eyes fell upon them. Like I said I don't know their history. I purchased them at a antique show and the booth that had them stated they are at least 100 years old. I have not found any like them. Their faces are so happy.. I am glad you like them.

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