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Art Deco Bakelite and Chrome Bracelet - 1930's/1940's

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Art Deco Costume Jewelry268 of 293Line Vautrin Pins / BroochesArt Deco 1930's Jakob Bengel Necklace
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (58 items)

    Here is a beautiful Art Deco Machine-Age bracelet made of chrome and red bakelite and dating from the 1930's or 1940's. I have no idea of its origins: French, German, American? The clasp is marked 'KO'.
    Any expert round here? :)

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    1. sarahoff sarahoff, 11 years ago
      I have the same bracelet in brown! It's also marked KO. This ones been driving me nuts:)
    2. sarahoff sarahoff, 11 years ago
      I have to admit that I love yours more, always have been a sucker for red.
    3. Betty1978 Betty1978, 11 years ago
      Thanks to all for 'loving' and thanks for you comments Sarah! So this lovely bracelet's got a brother in the States... Yours is great too and there is no doubt that the plastic parts are bakelite. Now, where do they come from? That is still the question... :)
    4. solver solver, 11 years ago
      A fabulous bracelet! I couldn't find a "KO" trademark in any of my resources. Simply a guess, since I know nothing about jewelry, this Deco machine age form looks German to me.

      Another poster has the same bracelet and posted on Collectors Weekly seven months ago, also unable to identify the maker.

      There is a KO trademark for Katz & Ogush (New York jewelers circa 1922-1943) but it isn't the correct maker since I was able to compare the trademark in my book to the photo provided in the other post. Also, Katz & Ogush made fine jewelry.
    5. Betty1978 Betty1978, 11 years ago
      Thanks for 'loving' and for your interesting comment!
    6. kyratango kyratango, 11 years ago
      Belle pièce, et un beau mystère... :-)
    7. Betty1978 Betty1978, 11 years ago
      Merci ! :)

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