Posted 11 years ago
(469 items)
These are a hand painted set of four blue glass bowl & amber stemmed glasses they are quite small and vary slightly in height and size, all roughly 3" high x 1 1/2 across , they are all hand painted with little flowers in white with orange centre.. very pretty for a set of glasses, I dont know anything about them ,where they may of come from , how old they are or what type of drink you would use them for?? Ive never seen any like them before so if theres someone out there with any knowlege of glasses please let me know
i think they made in czeck
i had a simular set with caraffe that i bought there
What lovely glasses, I love the colors!
Thanks eve14 & Katherinescollections for your loves & comments :-)
Thanks to -
& Katherinescollections ;-)))
Thank you PatSea for your love & kind comments, they are a cute set aren't they ...
thanks VirginiaVintagefor your love ;-]