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"Marlboro" Bronze Ashtray & Crab Lighter

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (2304 items)

    - Antiqued bronze finish cast ashtray and crab lighter set / Hong Kong 1995
    - Ashtray is embossed with the "Marlboro" brand on the inside and the crab lighter can either be displayed in the two slots cut in the back of the ashtray or it can be stored "nestled" into the ashtray (picture 2).
    - Refillable butane-fueled lighter operates by pressing the front claw on the crab (shown on top right side in third picture of underside) and the flame comes out of the hole in the top center (where the crab's mouth would be)
    - Ashtray measures 7" by 4 1/2" by 1" deep and the crab fits inside those measurements

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