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Old Demitasse Set

In Asian > Asian Tea Sets > Show & Tell.
Asian Tea Sets280 of 284VINTAGE JAPAN TEAPOTSOriental Dragon Tea Set
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (23 items)

    I need help in identifying this demitasse set which has 6 small cups and 6 matching plates, a tea / coffee pot that has a lid, a sugar bowl that also has a lid, and a creamer it has a raised surface in blue lines throughout and looks to be hand painted and possibly porcelain. There is also two different scenes on each side of the pieces.
    I was told this set was given to a soldier in the 1940's where he got it from is unknown. Not sure of the maker or if its from Japan or China and the date it was made. Any info on this set would be greatly appreciated along with any ideas on the value as well. Thank you

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    1. ChickPicker ChickPicker, 14 years ago
      I found this site.. I hope this helps others when it comes to identifying marks on porcelain.

      I found out my set is from Japan dating anywhere from the 1920s - 1940s
    2. Tamarab, 14 years ago
      That is a great site for identifying Japanese porcelain. Thanks, your set is lovely!
    3. ChickPicker ChickPicker, 14 years ago
      Thank you, Tamarab
    4. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      I Like,
      I Like Your Moniker, I Have A Question- If You Don't Mind. See I Plan to Go Out Tonight, May I Borrow Your Name - Just Ounce! Tonight I'm a
      ChickPicker Not A Picking Chick. Yes?, I May! Thanks!!!....Game On.
      Good To Meet You
      Thanks For Sharing
    5. ChickPicker ChickPicker, 14 years ago
      Nice meeting you too......and as far as the rest....WHat ever works for
    6. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Ha Thanks Just Joking, I Stayed Home . Nice Demitasse Set.
      Take Care

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