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Circa 1925 - KARN REED PUMP ORGAN with Booklet

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Organs67 of 84Pump Organ1971 Story & Clark  45M Electric Organ
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1467 items)

    I have this old Reed Pump organ that is a Family Heirloom. So many times people just trash or get rid of these type of pump organs.....but they are our HISTORY of a time gone by. I felt it was important to contact THE REED ORGAN SOCIETY to submit the information and pictures devoted to the Appreciation, Study, collecting, restoration, and the preservation of reed organs.

    My Pump Organ HAS been registered/documented with them at:

    To View, click on: " ROS Database "
    Then go to line: " Search by Name of Reed Organ Manufacturer: "

    ....and just type in "KARN ". Mine and Several other contributors are there.

    I ask -- IF you have an old Pump/Reed Organ, PLEASE consider contributing there all in the preservation of a era gone by.


    ( It is NOT a BUY and Sell Place .. )

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    1. debbiepike54 debbiepike54, 11 years ago
      I love antique organs, but I have not sat down to play one that still works. I played electric organs years for church. I think the old ones like yours have so much more artistic personality in the wood carving etc.
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 11 years ago
      It's beautiful antiquerose :) I feel the same way about pianos. Wonderful old instruments being discarded and ruined by neglect or refinishing. I once saw a player piano at GW for fifty bucks with a bag full of rolls. I thought what a deal and would have bought it in a heart beat. However it had been electrified. Not a problem at all except they drilled a 1" hole in the soundboard for the cord !! Why would you do that??? I'm sure it would still play ok but it's like drilling a hole in the back of a violin ! A gentleman did buy it before I left. I asked him about it and he said he had others at home and would try and salvage it or use it for parts. Kind of sad but better than being discarded to the trash . -Mike-
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      beautiful!!!! wow very nice!!
    4. Signaholic Signaholic, 9 years ago
      Great looking organ!
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      What a beautiful looking (probably also sounding) little instrument Rose -- notably also somewhat unusual for its portable 'fold-up' design, at least?!! MAJOR KUDOS too for your wise testimonial to the work of the REED ORGAN SOCIETY to document and preserve these instruments. Reed organs occupied a brief but interesting 'slot in history' which I also wholeheartedly agree deserves to be recognized!! :-) :-) :-)

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