Posted 11 years ago
(3455 items)
Hard to say when this was made but probably 1950s or 60s. This is one of the largest I have seen at 8 inches long. The eggs were made of sugar and I am not sure how they are preserved. They are made in two halves. They are decorated on the inside and then the two halves are joined together.
Many of these are made in Eastern Europe but many people made them on their own in various countries.
Where's the ants?
This is great, I do remember them but how has it survived! Are the critters in the diorama plastic?
I like the look of your other eastery things too!
My sister actually took a class on how to make these last year. I'll have to ask her the ingredients but I remember that it's mostly sugar.
Love this post ! And I do remember seeing these but they were not cheap at the time so it was more seeing them in the store not in my Easter basket :-)
We got these in 1956 or 58 and as I recall they were quite hard. Amazing it survived, must have been very well taken care of. Love it.
Ooh, my mother has a sugar egg like this, kept from her childhood, which would be the late 40s/50s. They're great, I've never seen another. Thanks:) happy easter
Very cool! My sister was given one of these by my grandparents when we were small... Probably 1962...ish... I think I remember my older brother and I breaking it. :(
Thank you very much racer4four. No ants yet. Yes the characters are plastic. And thank you for the compliment.
Thank you very much AmberRose. Pretty sure it is almost all sugar. The tricky part seems to making it stay together so solid.
Thank you very much Manikan. Prices for these online aren't bad but it is hard to find a large vintage one like this.
Thank you kindly fhrjr2. It has managed to survive a long time.
Thank you very much Vintagefran. I saw one at an antique store last year but I passed it up. What was I thinking?
Thank you toolate2. We had 2 or 3 of these when I was a kid in the 60s. Don't know what happened to them.
Sorry to hear of its demise.
Such a nice display of beautiful pieces. I have the same wicker basket :)
Thank you
Thank you very much Aimathena. It is a fine basket. Don't know if the glass pieces are vintage or not.
just a short note to wish you and yours and happy and safe Easter weekend
Happy Easter to you too Kerry.
Thank you
I remember climbing up onto the hutch, when I was little and eating some parts from these.
Thank you rockbat. Do not think you would want a piece of this one. It is a tad old.