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Old Ceramic Bear Lamp - Punkin Head T. Eaton

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Recent Activity20 of 592Just something Cute -- A Miniature Teddy BearVintage Knickerbocker Pouting Bear
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi, just found this sweet little bear lamp yesterday. I Can find info on Shorter and Son (as marked on the bottom) just not finding much info on this Bear Lamp or any price ranges to just kinda know my own idea of value......seems to be scarce info on this lamp guy. Huh?

    Do you know what year this made roughly? Is the mark an earlier one?

    I Read Shorter and Son did Majolica........IS THIS considered Majolica? As I am not sure...

    He is in Super condition as I do not see any chips, or breaks yet. It is about 11 inches tall. Does need new Electrical housing. Thanks any info greatly appreciated.

    Loves back to your all.........

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    1. crazycharacter, 11 years ago
      The character depicted is "Punkinhead"

      Cute lamp!
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      lol.....yeah, never noticed that it looks like an "Air Guitar Bear"
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Thanks crazycharacter.........He HAS a name!!
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Thank YOU for the LOVES and the COMMENTS:

      crazycharacter ----------------> Thanks for the comment also!!
      nutsabotas6 -----------------> Thanks for the comment also!!

      Thxs again!!
    5. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Aww he's so cute. I'd have snapped him up. Unusual its a lamp. Loved Kens air guitar comment, it really looks like he's playing air guitar now, lol
    6. gypsylmm, 10 years ago
      Hi there.....
      As mentioned before, your lamp is "Punkin Head. He was brought into being in the mid to late 40's by the T. Eaton Company in Toronto Ontario and was first seen in their Christmas catalogue. Brings back a lot of memories!

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