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    Posted 11 years ago

    (759 items)

    This card shows some of the detail of the two arched entrances to the Abbey of St Augustine. This section of the gateway dates back to 1170. The Abbey itself was begun a bit earlier in 1149. The importance of the Abbey grew and entrance to the area remains today as a grade I listed building.

    This card is one of the Bristol postcards published by Harvey Barton & Son (1885-1960) St. Michael’s Hill, Bristol, England.

    In 1906 Septimus and Clara Miller visited Bristol just after the completion of the new Bristol Central Library building. The library's architectural design incorporated many of the gatehouse's later features: additions by abbot John Newland around 1500. These can be seen in the postcard that I posted yesterday on CW. The choice of this card however shows an interest in the earlier structure of the Great Gatehouse.

    At one time these two arched entrances were thought to have been later additions because of the condition of the stonework. However the famous architect George Edmund Street argued that they are probably the original ones.

    The view here on the postcard is of the northern entrance. They gave access to the monastic precinct and its courtyard. You can see that there were two entrances. One for pedestrian access and the other for carts or carriages. There were once a pair of heavy doors on the main gate. You can still see the hinges for them. The smaller gate also had a door. Beside it was the porter's lodge.

    The sculptural decorations on the archways of the gatehouse contain early examples of the use of pointed arches in England. Note the densely carved mouldings with zig-zag decoration that is typical of Romanesque/Norman design. This decoration and the stonework itself shows the importance not only of the Abbey but the city of Bristol itself in this early period. It also attests to the wealth of the man who paid for it all: Robert Fitzharding.

    Inside these gates are architectural features that link it to the Cathedral's chapter house.

    I like this description of the Gatehouse:
    "The gatehouse on College Green was once the entrance to the Abbey of St Augustine, but there's a puzzle wrapped up in that.

    The magnificent gatehouse beside Bristol Central Library is a familiar sight to Bristolians. Recently cleaned, its stonework glows in the Spring sunshine. It was once part of the great abbey dedicated to St Augustine, later converted into a cathedral. But what exactly was it for?

    A monastery is a place of seclusion. One feature you can count on is a stout wall around the whole site. Within its shelter men could concentrate their minds heavenwards. Or that was the theory. The monastic gate shut out the sinful world. So we might imagine that this fine gate at Bristol was set in the outer wall of the abbey precinct. But we would be wrong. The whole of College Green lay within the abbey precinct originally. What is now a swathe of grass, rimmed with walks and flowerbeds, was once the abbey cemetery.

    So where did our gatehouse fit in? The grandest abbeys could have an outer gate and an inner one. Picture yourself as a weary traveller arriving at a great monastery. You knock on the outer gate. The porter pops out to hear your plea for bed and board. Since monasteries were bound to provide hospitality, you are admitted into the outer court. Your horse is led off to the stables, while you are shown to the guesthouse. On the way you might pass workshops, barns and even animal pens and meadows in rural monasteries.

    But let's suppose that you are a nobleman. Then you would be ushered through a second gatehouse into an inner court. Here could be storehouses, brewhouse, bakehouse and accommodation for important visitors, perhaps in the abbot's own quarters. So your blue blood got you one step closer to the heart of the monastery. The inner sanctum was the cloister. No-one should penetrate that but monks and priests.

    So it was at St Augustine's in Bristol. This inner gatehouse led into a courtyard lined with lodgings, granary, bakehouse, brewhouse and stables for the gentry. At the far end of the courtyard yet another gateway (which also survives) led into the abbot's quarters. So what happened to the outer gate? That is intriguing. We need to delve into the history of the monastery to work it out.

    St Augustine's was founded by Robert Fitzharding, a rich citizen of Bristol, in 1140. Within a few years he had built a church and monastic buildings solid enough for a group of canons to move into. Canons were monk-priests. It is from them that we get the name Canon's Marsh. Over the next decades building work went on. Probably Fitzharding had thrown up timber buildings to start with, and these were gradually replaced in stone. What survives of the Norman work shows how splendid a monastery it was. The Norman chapter house is one of the finest Romanesque buildings in the country. Our gatehouse is another remarkable survival. Or at least the lower part of it is Norman, with the characteristic round arches and zig-zag decoration.

    The upper part of the gateway is Tudor. It is the work of Abbot Newland, who was an enthusiastic builder. He rebuilt a staggering amount of the monastery, marking his works with his badge. His lovely Tudor oriel windows were replaced in the 18th century by Georgian sash windows. Fortunately a drawing was made of the gatehouse before this, so it could be restored to its former glory in Victorian times.

    The first description of the precinct comes in 1480 from William Worcester. Curiously he talks of an entrance to it, rather than a gate, at the east end of what is now College Green. On the west side he describes two gates onto Frog Lane. Worcester clearly had free access to wander around the green and take measurements. It all suggests that the canons had abandoned the outer gates and were only manning the inner one by this time. A few years before the abbey was dissolved, the abbot described the green as adjacent to the precinct, not within it.

    What would cause such a shift? St Augustine's had endless battles over the green with Gaunt's Hospital, which also faced onto it. Then there was the parish church of St Augustine the Less, built within the original precinct by the abbey. Parishioners would need access to that. With all these comings and goings, monastic retreat into the inner enclosure might make sense. Whatever the truth of the matter, the gatehouse gives a fascinating glimpse into a life long gone."

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      what a very beautiful place and love the entrance archway... Beautiful Gateway and History :)
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks SEAN, MANIKIN 'n POS too!
    3. Windwalker, 11 years ago
      love the write up you posted .. well done indeed..
    4. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 11 years ago
      What can I say but fascinating. "St. Augustine the Less"? There has to be a story there.
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
    6. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks GARY!
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      The less is just 'small' I think, BLUNDERBUSS.

      Bristol was bombed severely in the BLITZ!

      St Augustine the Less was a Church of England parish church in Bristol, England, first attested in 1240, rebuilt in 1480, damaged in 1940 by fire, and demolished in 1962. It took its name from its proximity to the church of the Abbey of St Augustine (St Augustine the Great), which is now Bristol Cathedral.

      The parish was united with that of St George's Church, Brandon Hill, after the Second World War. After demolition the site remained vacant until the early 1980s, when an archaeological investigation was undertaken before an extension to the Royal Hotel was built over it; over 100 burial vaults were discovered below the former church's floor, together with coins of various periods; the finds were deposited in the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.,_Bristol
    8. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
    9. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Your very welcome Kevin!!
    10. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
      That Norman stonework is wonderful!
    11. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
      Love the porter popping out to hear a plea for bed and board!
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks TOM 'n KAREN too!
    13. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks LEAH!
    14. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      1149! Amazing! I am surprised they could build this then and America was not discovered by Columbus until 1492! Shipbuilding must not have been as important as Churches and walls for protection!
    15. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Hi bud been off line again for awhile even today I didn't think I would be able to get on line as it didn't want to open for awhile. You sure must have some postcards. Take care
    16. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks ZOWIE! There are lots!
    17. Zowie Zowie, 11 years ago
      Well you will just have to keep them coming & educate us all who need it take care
    18. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
    19. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks AIMATHENA !
    20. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks ANTIQUES IN NJ!
    21. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Many thanks BRACKEN 3!
    22. vetraio50 vetraio50, 1 year ago
      Many thanks DRAG !!!

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