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painted on convex glass Lieutjames Crawley RN..and a mystery man painted on ivory

nittygritty1…'s loves231 of 472Iridescent soft craquelle glass vase, ca. 1900 - Kralik, or other?Heavy Thick ----- Murano Art Glass Bowl
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (139 items)

    My dad found these years ago when he cleaned out his stepparents house he placed them in a box where they ended up in the linen closet..I came across them and he gave them to me...the name was in back of one while the other is an unknown man which resembles dads stepdad painted on ivory...maybe a gg grandfather..the curator dated them circa 1815 ..I went to the archives and checked out James to my surprise on microfilm was letters he wrote while serving in the Napoleonic war which I had photocopied..he had an uncle whom served in the RN also so my question was who wrote the letters?The curator solved it and said the timeframe placed this James in the painting the answer interesting and an heirloom !He referred to Napoleon as Mr. Bony...the letters were sent to Halifax where he was born and his family resided


    1. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
    2. nittygritty1962 nittygritty1962, 11 years ago
      thanks Racer!
    3. kyratango kyratango, 11 years ago
      Love family history! Nice silhouette and miniature!

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