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Westclox clock of tomorrow

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (47 items)

    This is one of my favorites...A westclox manual Alarm Clock. I found this in my Grandparent's home after they both passed away.
    My grandparents never had very much. I grew up 1\2 acre garden length between them and the only electronic type anything in their house was this alarm clock and a Sears transiter radio clock..
    This clock manufacturer has a unique story..I will b posting in a few days. The clock was manufactured by a Company called Westclock ...and designed by a gentleman, Ellsworth Danz.
    Height is 5.25, with plastic lens, alarm on-off center on top of case. This clock was made at the time in two colors, black and white with brass trim and luminous dial, single key wound, chime alarm. The retail value of 12.50 was a n elegant but expensive clock for that time frame.
    This clock was introduced in 1955 and discontinued in 1959, calling it "Clock of Tomorrow".
    A reproduction with battery quartz movements and made with nickle trim 2004-2006.

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