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Oil and water color paintings, flowers

AnneLanders's loves1498 of 1697Just picturesBohemian Iridescent Blue Glass Vase with Embossed Copper Collar
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (728 items)

    Hello oil is by Looks like Carter? Water color is pretty, I know nothing about these kind of paintings. But the more I look the more I like. They were almost free. Please forgive me if I am wasting your time, I just do not know, maybe someday, something like this will be special! toracat

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    1. Windwalker, 11 years ago
      very nice .............
    2. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Thank you!
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Very nice!!

      What are the names on the other pic?
    4. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      That fist one is stunning. Someone knew what they were doing there..and what's beautiful to me-

      The orange and white flowers
      The white roses but they are reflecting the orange flowers
      The background colour
      The use of the full canvas for it's subject
      The frame
      The stem work
      The subtle use of a stone glazed plain grey and yet gorgeous vase

      This artist knew how to paint
      I would suggest getting it appraised for insurance purposes

      2nd one I can't see but the carving on the frame looks maybe Italian but when you consider how the carpenter carved this from one piece of wood, it impresses me no end..

      You lucky man...
    5. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Thank you antiquerose, Leslie S. G. Harries is second name on 2nd picture. Thanks nutsabotas6! And AnneLanders thank you for a beautiful poetic response! Yes I am a lucky man to have a friend like you and everyone on CW!
    6. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      Is adorable!
    7. toracat toracat, 11 years ago
      Me!!! or the painting?!
    8. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      Lol! ;)
    9. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 10 years ago
      These ARE beautiful. I love the 3rd photo...It really show the talent of the painter!
    10. toracat toracat, 10 years ago
      Thank you CindB and shareurpassion!
    11. toracat toracat, 10 years ago
      I wish I knew the artist!

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