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Picked up this Beauty at a thrift store yesterday, have NO knowledge about it ;-)

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (16 items)

    This vase was so pretty, I decided to get it. It matches nothing in my home, or any of my friends home, I just like it. It is a little on the heavier side, very well made, and simply gorgeous - it is like an upside down sunset (to look at it). Anyone recognize this please? Thanks!

    (Sorry for rough pictures, have to get regular camera repaired again, using phone)...

    Update*** Last night (thanks to pulled feather tip by CW member) I located the 3rd picture. The owner of it indicated she got it at an Estate sale in North Carolina (see my comment below), she has given me another lead to check out will keep you posted!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 11 years ago
      I would have bought this too...great vase and as you say like a landscape!

      I have a feeling looking at the shape and base that this might be a contemporary vase - possibly Chinese made? Their glass is getting very good.
      I may well be wrong - someone with more knowledge may disagree!
    2. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago

      I don't see any markings on it Of course seems to be the way everyone is taking. It is shiny, I just thought VERY pretty. I probably would the gone though,bu
    3. cactuscorner cactuscorner, 11 years ago
      i believe the glass pattern design is pulled feather...that is what I have researched.
    4. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      Thanks so much cactscorner !! GREAT help, saw one with the IDENTICAL colors (obviously impossible to be exact match), but smaller labeled Murano - I saw the shape listed as Fenton, BUT look what I found!!!!! - You're a gem thanks!
    5. cactuscorner cactuscorner, 11 years ago
      Your welcome. Glad to be of some help! Lovely vase!
    6. darladebo darladebo, 11 years ago
      definately blown glass as it has that impression
    7. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      Yes, hard to show all of the details of it with a camera phone, The pic I attached above was to show the shape and ultimately scheme of pattern. I will find te one I have eventually one day - regardless of who made it when , I like it =) Thanks again for your help!
    8. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      I have communicated with the person that has a shorter version of this vase. She purchased hers along with another that would go with mine, and hers at an Estate sale, all were tagged as Murano. She said 95% of the sale items were Murano. I might buy hers (added to my photo's in my item description, the shorter versions)
    9. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Love the colours and shape in yours and I would have bought it too...but! have agree with racer4four's comment I think it is a modern vase too..
    10. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      Thank you Inky, I think it is pretty also. I was able to locate the maker, even if it had been a modern vase, I would like it =) Glass Art is so beautiful in many different years, countries, and styles, to me =)
    11. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Cristalleria Ann Primrose Murano collection d'arte -----> is Modern Chinese Glass made to look like *Murano* Glass but is NOT true Murano Glass. Prices are grossly inflated. Just because people see the word Murano, they think it is real Murano.

      Best thing I can say when it comes to Murano labels -- KNOW your labels.

      This is not true Murano -- But Modern Day Chinese Glass trying to imitate Murano Glass. I agree with inky, and racer4four comments. See further clarification below:

    12. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      Thanks antique rose, I am not familiar with the linked forum, I did go there, but I am not getting much from it, I could be doing it wrong though lol - I would like to look at the chines glass for comparison, the pontil on the vase I have is incredible. Even if it wasn't Murano, still a gorgeous vase!
    13. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      @wksgibson -- That is all that matters. I still have some of my first items I bought that I thought were Murano but were Chinese. I still like them, and that is all that matters. They too are very pretty!! That forum is just for Murano Glass and very knowledgeable Glass people.

      One of these days I will post some of my modern day Chinese pieces that I bought in the early days thinking they were murano.....AND they ARE very pretty too!! That is why I bought them.....They grabbed my Eye!!
    14. wksgibson wksgibson, 11 years ago
      Thanks antiquerose that would be nice to view! Honestly though, I didn't buy it thinking it was any one maker, I just like it lol
    15. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Exactly -- That is all that matters......what each person sees and they like.

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