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Traditional Bunzlau Vase (Germany/Poland), possibly 1930’s

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (100 items)

    This vase (height 16.5 com) is very typical for the Bunzlau area (formerly in Germany, now Boleslawiec in Poland) which has been a pottery centre since the Middle Ages. The area is known for exactly this kind of pottery - white with mostly blue decoration, although green, brown and a few other colours were also used. In the mid-19th century pottery decorated with colours applied with a sponge (‘Schwämmdekor’) became popular, especially this particular pattern called 'Pfauenaugen' ('peacock eyes') and this type of pottery is produced to this day. The Bunzlau pottery is collector’s items in Germany, but it takes some knowledge to distinguish between 'original Bunzlau' and modern variants.

    Actually, I am not sure if this vase is old, although I suspect it is. I have seen a bowl with a similar pattern and the same type of greyish clay marked with an ‘8’ (this one is marked with single number, too, probably ‘7’), and that was dated to the 1930’s, so that’s also how I will tentatively date this. It is also quite similar in style to what was produced at Friedrich Festersen Kunsttöpferei in Berlin (1909-1922). Perhaps someone in this forum knows more? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    In the Bunzlau area there were also several smaller 'art potteries' in operation in the first half of the 20th century, the most important ones being Reinhold & Co., and Julius Paul. I have posted a vase from one of them, Reinhold & Co. here:

    And here is a ‘Spritzdekor’ Vase from Julius Paul, posted by getthatmonkeyoutofme:

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