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Old Abandoned House Several Blocks From Our House

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (310 items)

    This is an old abandoned house about three blocks from our house that has fascinated me for a long time. I decided today would be a great day to explore and photograph it. The interior was a little creepy, but had some interesting stuff in it. I was expecting to see Norman Bates looking out the window.
    Hope you enjoy the pics.


    1. Manikin Manikin, 11 years ago
      Oh I love your photo's pack and hard to believe people just leave stuff in a vacant house . Some neat things there . I would be so tempted :-) Great post ! Be well my friend
    2. JSmed, 11 years ago
      Grounded receptacle, hasn't been out of use too long.
    3. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 11 years ago
      Very interesting and strange! Do you know anything about it? Maybe they died and had no relatives? Neigbours would know, don't you think? It seams so unlikely that they would just move and leave things. Be careful, maybe Norman was just out shopping last time you were there...
    4. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      I would be tempted too. It's a beautiful old house, looks like a lot of it could be salvaged.
    5. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      def job for Sarah Beaney or Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen!!!!!!!!!!!!
    6. inky inky, 11 years ago
      Love love love it.....:-)
    7. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
      This is fantastic! I cant belive! Oh my God, lucky you! :)
    8. EJW-54 EJW-54, 11 years ago
      What a great house it use to be and someone started to fix it up, new windows and drywall but that ended for some reason, too bad, Love it!
    9. southcop southcop, 10 years ago
      Try Metal Detecting Old Home Sites -for Silver Coin and treasure Findings but dont forget to ask and receive permission to hunt on a property! you have always ask the landowner if they know of any old house sites on their land and if there are any springs!
    10. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 10 years ago
      Have a great holiday packrat !!!!!!
    11. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Great... I just love looking at old abandon sites... Enjoy while it still stands..
    12. Dan121156 Dan121156, 10 years ago
      Great... I just love looking at old abandon sites... Enjoy while it still stands..
    13. packrat-place packrat-place, 10 years ago
      I would like to thank everybody very much. I will keep you posted on any developments.
    14. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      You have GOT TO get some paranormal investigators over there!! Oh WOW! That is a great place!
    15. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      If nothing else, that's (at least the remains of) a 1950's vintage highback Chambers gas range sitting out by the tree in the 1st pic -- those stoves are worth $$$ now...ifn's I lived anywheres nearby, *that* thing probably wouldn't be there anymore...? <lolol>
    16. Zippo Zippo, 7 years ago
      A little paint and she'll be good to go ...'-))
    17. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      Did anyone ever fix this place up?
    18. Gillian, 7 years ago
      I see some very nice old lamp shades (glass), and a good looking art deco'ish light globes. And what's that glass/metal large chalice shaped item in the middle of all those light globes?

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