Posted 11 years ago
(903 items)
I bought these for their shape as I have no other Art Deco piece with a JIP top. As the brown mottling is rather dull the flamboyant top is no bad thing. They are only 7 inches tall with one wider than the other.
Then I got lucky! Two months ago Alfredo posted images from the Prague
Tango exhibition which identified some of his pieces as Harrach and by extension they are no longer anonymous.
However these still don't make it to my Tango glass shelf as they don't have an applied glass trim. Am I alone in this narrow definition of Tango? I did notice that in the Tango exhibitions the types of Tango glass were many and varied.
I too THOUGHT I knew what Tango was, until I also saw the photos from the Exhibition. Now I am completely confused. At this point my "new definition" is the old definition PLUS all the stuff in the Exhibition that doesn't fall into the old definition - see how confused I am.
At least you've started to think about it, VioletOrange, that can only be good.
I would say they are very tango. You get quite a good representation of the range of tango colours and styles on here.
Ian, SEAN thank you for stopping by to comment.
your very welcome Ian :)!!
I was told by a collector that Tango involves two colors of glass on - yours vases each have this, from the mottling. And the style is definitely there, too - I'd say Tango! :)
Thank you, Michelleb007, I value your opinion. :)
Thank you, geo26e, czechman, Moon, nittygritty, Manikin, ozmarty, vetraio, racer, cactuscorner and mikelv, for the love.
In my mind they are definitely tango!..and very nice too!...:-)
Good to have your opinion, inky, thank you! :-)
Thank you Ian and Alfredo for the love.
Thanks for the love, VioletOrange.