Posted 11 years ago
(12 items)
I have been researching these dishes, most of the English Staffordshire I find on the Internet have a different stamp and are dishwasher safe which leads me to believe these are older.
Anyone have an idea about these plates? Are they worth anything??
Thank you for your input!!
The problem with some of the Staffordshire potteries is that they would change their backstamp to reflect the pattern on the front of the piece, so it makes items more difficult to date, as all the marks are no shown in collector guides . According to the Classic White range was introduced in the 1960’s, and many patterns were used on that blank. marks$antiques have the mark in use between the1940-60’s. Here’s a link to the relevant page on the potteries, which is an excellent resource for Staffordshire pottery.
This style pattern, commonly referred to as “Blue Onion” was made by many manufacturers, copying the original, traditional Scandinavian patterns. They are still very popular today
Thank you very much maryh1956!
Thanks for the info...I have a piece of this!