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Blue Crystal CZECH Ashtray with Interesting Label

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truthordare's loves1191 of 2121Czechoslovakia Handmade Crystal S.P.M.-1892Franz Tomschick, shape number 01183, circa 1928
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (436 items)

    I bought this ashtray at a flea market because 1. It's quite Different, 2.Color was a favorite, 3. Quality is Superb.... but most important it had a sticker that I could share with the CW "Family". We are often looking for answers on our glass items that are unmarked so labels do help.
    It is Triangular (see base) with a twisted shape and has three cigarette rests. It measures 5" wide by 4" tall. The Sticker was Silver & Black and has CZECHOSLOVAKIA -HAND MADE CRYSTAL- SPM 1893 with the depiction of a glassblower and a FLEUR-DE-LIS on the lower left of the sticker. Looking up SPM 1893 in the net, I was brought to the MOSER Glass Company which started in 1893. I couldn't confirm that this label was used by Moser . Maybe someone out there can provide more info. Thanks, RER(BOB)

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    1. Gracay2004 Gracay2004, 11 years ago
      Absolutely love the colour! Can't help with sticker identification but the date and country of origin does point quite strongly to Moser or a subsidiary.
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Love it......Have NOT seen that label at all. Will see if I can find anything too...? I have seen this design but will look around some more

      YES, buying an item for the label (among other reasons) is SUPERB!!
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thank you Gracay2004 and antiquerose for the comments and love and thank you aghcollect, SEAN68 and Moonstonelover21 for the love. BOB
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      I saw the form and I thought Milan Metelak for Harrachov.
      Then I saw the label.

      It put me off for a moment.
      Then I remembered having seen it in a new book that arrived this week from the UK on Skrdlovice. The label is there on page 117.

      "This label was applied by a Canadian company that imported and exported quality glass around 1960 to Canada, the Netherlands and the UK. This label has also been seen on Harrachov pieces dating to c. 1960 and an alternative reading 'Murano' instead of 'Czechoslovakia' if the piece originated there. One of the men who ran this company, Earl Myers, later founded Lorraine Glass Industries in Montreal, Canada and also contracted Skrdlovice (via Glassexport) to produce some designs for him from c.1962 - 63."

    5. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      I'm so happy that I added this label. It was very difficult to photograph but when you tilted it a certain way it could be seen. That is fabulous information vetraio50 and I am adding it to my bookmarks for future reference. Thanks, BOB
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      @vetraio50 -- What Super info there, and KNOWLEDGE !! Thanks for sharing that!!

      I have to share a *label* story with CW friends here. When I found a glass item it had a Foil label was kinda bent over and rolled along some edges (plus missing some of the label) but I was determined to get more info from that label that is was showing me when I bought the item. I WAS going to straighten out those bunched up edges of the label come Hell or High water...

      So with magnifying glass in hand, and a stick pin ....I was able to pull out (straighten) some of the foil label to read it more. I slowly used the stick pin to pull the wrinkles out of the pushed up foil label. God, the things we go through for label info and to preserve it.......LOL

      I felt like a *Brain Surgeon* performing slow, tedious work under a magnifying glass on this label.

      LOL.................True Story!!
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Maybe one of the Canadians knows the name of the import/export company?

      At the bottom of the label above it has a Fleur de Lys on the left and "S P M. 1893".

      So who were they?
    8. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Does this link work for you?
      An article on Raymond Mayers, son of Earl Myers, and owner of Lorraine Glass.
    9. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 11 years ago
      Thanks vetraio50! There is a lot of interesting info. in that research paper by Bruno Andrus especially on the developments of Lorraine and Chalet Glass. The section on Ronald Lukian and Gail Hall showing some of their artwork opened my eyes on a possible source for a Bowl that I uploaded last year and that looks very similar to something they would have done (see below). The other interesting aspect of this research paper deals with LA MEDUSE glassworks located on the Iles-de-la-Madelaine. I have some of their creations and their products are truly breathtaking. I suggest strongly that CW members interested in art glass look them up online. Thanks for all the help. BOB
    10. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      Some interesting links have been raised by this label. I have learnt a lot. Thanks to you again, cher Loumanal!
    11. vetraio50 vetraio50, 11 years ago
      I apologise for having left out the citation to the new book above!

      The label is there on page 117.

      "This label was applied by a Canadian company that imported and exported quality glass around 1960 to Canada, the Netherlands and the UK. This label has also been seen on Harrachov pieces dating to c. 1960 and an alternative reading 'Murano' instead of 'Czechoslovakia' if the piece originated there. One of the men who ran this company, Earl Myers, later founded Lorraine Glass Industries in Montreal, Canada and also contracted Skrdlovice (via Glassexport) to produce some designs for him from c.1962 - 63."

      Beranek & Skrdlovice Legends of Czech Glass by Robert Bevan- Jones and Jindrich Parik, edited by Mark Hill. Page 117.
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Some more info. I've just uncovered .....
      've been looking around the net and have come up with a few new things about Lorraine Glass Industries and Earl C Myers.

      Earl Myers died in 2003.
      "MYERS, Earl C. Formerly of Montreal, died suddenly on Wednesday April 23, 2003. Mr. Myers was President of S.P. Myers and Co. Ltd.; Est. 1897. Survived by his beloved wife Violet, children: Carol, Raymond, Sandra and Susan, sister Jacqueline Lowy and two grandchildren, Morgan and Lauren. The Montreal Gazette, (04/26/03b)"

      You remember the label on the link above of BOB LOUMANALS piece?

      "The Sticker was Silver & Black and has CZECHOSLOVAKIA -HAND MADE CRYSTAL- SPM 1893 with the depiction of a glassblower and a FLEUR-DE-LIS on the lower left of the sticker."

      The Fleur de Lis refers of course to Quebec and Montreal.

      The SPM 1893 are explained in the brief obituary:
      "Mr. Myers was President of S.P. Myers and Co. Ltd.; Est. 1897."
    13. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      A true "sleuth" is what you are Monsieur Vetraio. Merci pour votre interet et diligence. Robert Etienne Richard
    14. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      So True -- AND this is Such an interesting Post -- and VETRAIO is the total master of sleuthing !!!!!

      WAY to GO --- VET !!!
    15. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
      Things are becoming clearer. Earl Myers certainly had 'good taste' ... I think that this is an example of his purchasing modernist Czech glass for the Canadian market ... I'm still not totally sure if this is an HARRACHOV design by Milan Metelak or piece from another factory. The piece is certainly significant because of that sticker .... one to look out for !!!!

      ; )
    16. vango1, 6 years ago
      It turns out my vase is a Vicke Lindstrand design while he was at Sea Glass bruk (Kosta), but under the SPM 1893 label. I wonder where else his glass travels took him!
    17. antiquerose antiquerose, 6 years ago
      @vango1 - Welcome and you should put those pics of yours as post here on for the Meyers name -- here is my Post too that you might enjoy reading. Canuck here too
    18. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      Small world I just posted a Beranek vase with the same label, but much less wear. Have a look. Love your piece too.
    19. Jamie-B, 6 years ago
      Thanks to all who contributed to unveiling this label mystery. I found it today as I was trying to track down a blue crystal vase with the exact same label except it is clearly marked SWEDEN. I recently bought the vase at auction in Nova Scotia. So Mr. Myers was actively importing art glass to Canada from many regions.
    20. truthordare truthordare, 4 years ago
      The shape of this ashtray, is one that was also used by Metelak and other designers for their 'harrtil' decor crystal, pieces that had a glass fiber net like web in the matrix of the lead glass.

      I have never seen this shape in a double color sommerso decor, this is great as I found your post while doing research on another ashtray.
      My Harrachov ashtray late 1950s, there is also a version in a pretty green color, ashtrays of this kind are great to represent the MCM products with art glass from many countries, especially Italy, Czechoslovakia and Scandinavia.
      Here is an image of my Beranek vase base, with the same label from the 1970s.

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