Posted 11 years ago
(759 items)
Mr & Mr Septimus Miller left Australia on an 'around the world trip' in June 1906 and did not return until May 1907. On his return to Melbourne Septimus gave an interview to the Adelaide Advertiser published in May 1907 where mention is made of the itinerary for the trip: “Mr. and Mrs. Miller left Melbourne last July on an extended tour, which embraced Canada, America, England, and France.” The itinerary in the article has no mention of Belgium although there are a series of cards collected there.
This postcard published by Th. van den Heuvel , éditeur , Bruxelles is numbered 10. Thomas van den Heuvel published cards for a brief period from 1905 to 1907 in Brussels, Belgium. He was a publisher of sepia, black & white, and hand colored collotype view-cards.
The title of the card is "Bruxelles – Le Palais du Roi". It is a bi-lingual (Dutch and French) undivided preprinted card. Preprinted "CARTE POSTALE/ Postkaart’ Côte réservé à l’addresse. – Zijde vor het adres alleen. / to the left side:"Th. van den Heuvel, éditeur Bruxelles".
By 1906 this view of the Palais du Roi would have actually changed completely. Work began on a new façade to the palace executed after new plans by Henri Maquet round 1900. The photo used for this card shows the building before these renovations.
On the right are the eastern gates to the Park van Brussel aka (Warandepark): a 13 hectare, central park designed by Gilles-Barnabé Guimard and Joachim Zinner. It is a formal garden laid out in 1774 on the site of the former hunting grounds of the Dukes of Brabant.
The area is of historical importance too! It looks peaceful these days but it was within the park grounds that the riots of September 1830 ushered in the Belgian Revolution. The tri-colour designed by Madame Abts and Edouard Ducpétiaux flew from the barricades there for the first time.
“After the Congress of Vienna in 1814, Brussels became (together with The Hague) the joint capital of the new established United Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was under the rule of William I of the Netherlands that the street was covered and the two mansions were joined with a gallery. The newly created 'palace' received a new neo-classic facade designed by Tilman-François Suys with a peristyle in the middle, and a balcony with a wrought iron parapet surrounding the entire first floor.
After the Belgian revolution the palace was offered to Leopold of Saxe-Coburg when he ascended the throne as the first King of the Belgians.
During his reign (until 1865) little was changed to the palace. It was his son and successor Leopold II who judged the building to be too modest for a king of his stature, and who kept on enlarging and embellishing the palace until his death in 1909. During his reign the palace nearly doubled in surface. After the designs of his architect Alphonse Balat, imposing rooms like the 'Grand Staircase', 'Throne Room' and the 'Grande Gallerie' were added. Balat also planned a new façade but died before the plans could be executed.”
Many thanks KERRY10456!
Many thanks MANKIN 'n GARY too!
Many thanks POPS 'n AGHCOLLECT too!
Yes they are being touted as the 'dark horses', VALENTINO.
Group H.
Eden Hazard - Chelsea and Belgium.
Many thanks TOM!
I always love the tinted cards.
Being a linguist you would Flemish a form of Dutch?
Many thanks KAREN 'n MIKELV!
Hi Karen. It is related to Dutch but there are differences (dialectal) in pronunciation and a lot of French loan words. It is the language of Flanders.
Dutch is one of the official languages of Belgium, the other being French.
Check out this:
Many thanks ANTIQUESinNJ!
Many thanks STEVES!
Many thanks GEO!
beautiful post card!!
Many thanks SEAN 'n PETEY!
Your very welcome Kevin!!
Racer & Vetra, the language is walloon & is more prevalent in Flanders. Very few dutch or French speakers can understand it. I've had several T-shirts in walloon & nobody here(where we are dutch & French) could translate. One said, You can die waiting in lines(translated into Eng.). In those areas, people from villages 10 km apart often have trouble communicating & when you get closer to Luxemburg & Germany, it gets worse. In my life, I've learned enough in diff. languages to get myself laid or killed just about anywhere(including China)!
Thanks BLUNDERBUSS! I've learnt to duck myself!
For those interested:
Walloon (Waols) is spoken in the Wallonia Region in Belgium.
It is a Romance language.
It is also spoken in the north east of Wisconsin: Door County!
Flemish (Vlaams) is a Belgian form of Dutch spoken in Flanders. There are four major dialects. The power of geography.
Dutch is the majority language in Belgium, being spoken natively by three-fifths of the population. It is accorded equal legal status as a national language, with French and German, and is the only official language of the Flemish Region.
Vetra, it surprises me that walloon is spoken in areas of WI. It's such an oddity. I live on the dutch side of St. Maarten but seldom hear dutch unless in certain areas as Eng. is prevalent. Other areas we speak papiamento. Then we go to the French side where my business is & speak French. It gets to where you shift back-and-forth between languages without really thinking about it & I'm considered a good linguist but am not. I just rely mainly on basic Latin without slang. I learned how to read in German as a child but never had anybody to really converse with. I've lived with 4-6 Kraut girls, but they all speak better Eng. than I do! Most of the German words I know how to pronounce probably come from war movies. Just another world! LOL! I can read a German book but not converse with the girl next to me in her language! LOL again. In bed, it doesn't really matter anyway! Universal language that!
But just as complex imho. Dialects are a passion of mine! I did a lot of work on Italian dialects at uni. Speaking them is something you are born with and learn at home from your grandparents.
I agree vetra. Italian is one I seldom run into here & don't try to learn. It's too confusing with all the others here! In Central Amer., I actually had moments when I had couldn't understand Eng. when spoken. That kind of worried me a bit! The further S. you go, it starts mixing with Portugee. That makes it harder to go back N. & speak Spanish. I have always thought Spanish should be the universal language but don't like the sound of it. Even friendly conversations sound angry. I've pretty much adapted here but have found that I use as many as 4 diff. languages in mail & have to go back & correct.
Many thanks ANTIQUES IN NJ!
Vetra, if dialects are you passion, you should spend some time in St. Maarten/St. Martin! This poste came to mind when I hit my usual pub this evening. Most are speaking Eng. but then 2 dutch guys started talking in dutch across the bar(both speak good Eng, as 1 lived in NZ & 1 in the States) while French words are thrown in mixed and "chinee" as a background. Visiting friends ask me how I know what is being said & I just tell them, "You get used to it & learn what you can". I don't even think it unusual anymore. Damned if I can learn dutch though!
Many thanks GARY!
Many thanks TOM!
Many thanks MIKKO ..... WELCOME BACK!