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Vase, Josef Hoffmann for the Wienner Werkstätte

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JOSEF HOFFMANN8 of 9Brass cigarette box, Josef Hoffmann (Wienner Werkstätte, 1920-1925)Brass cup, Josef Hoffmann (Wienner Werkstätte, ca.1920)
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (584 items)

    You already know this cobalt blue vase as it was included on a previous post where I asked for help about several unknown vases ( ).

    About this one I wrote “No.4 reminds a lot of the Josef Hoffmann's vases for Moser, but sadly isn't one of them. Does anyone recognize the WW logo at the base?” Carlos got it about two years ago and believed it would be one of Hoffmann’s designs but the WW logo didn’t seem to be from the Wienwer Werkstätte nor Moser so that vase was thought to be one more of the many copies lesser glass companies made at the time Moser produced Hoffmann’s vases.

    This week we received a message from Katzl telling us about a green bowl seen at the Europeana website that was identified as designed by Hoffmann and had the same WW signature on our cobalt blue vase. This green bowl was immediately identified by Carlos as a well known Hoffmann design –I am sharing with you a period picture of it- so high chances are our blue vase will end up being a Josef Hoffmann design, just like the bowl at the Europeana website (which by the way is housed at the Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas in Madrid, about 2,4 km away from our own place!).

    As for the factory that made it, it could have been made by Moser or by other glass factories that also worked for the Wiener Werkstätte. That still remains a mistery.

    - - -

    LATEST UPDATE (June 13th):

    At the Wiener Werkstätte photographic archives kept at the MAK in Vienna they have an entry for the very green bowl Katzl told us about (and you can see on pic. 4). It positively is a design by Josef Hoffmann, and according to them, this design could have been done by these factories:
    - Meyr's Neffe (Adolf bei Winterberg)
    - Johan Oertel & Co. ( Haida)

    (and one of them marked it with the mistery WW stamp)

    It was into production from 1915 until 1919

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      very beautiful austro!! I spent 3 hours yesterday at the "BERGSTROM MAHLER GLASS MUSEUM". yesterday!!had gotten a private tour!! and in one of the cases they had kosta,orrefors,etc!!
    2. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      it is Josef Hoffmann!! and now I just gave you a 100% sure it is!!
    3. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks very much, Sean!!!
    4. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      The research is half the fun with these pieces. Very beautiful!
      Florida says hello!
    5. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      You're right Amber, as much as the joy of finally getting to know what they actually are :)

      I miss Florida :(
    6. Katzl Katzl, 11 years ago
      Have a look at this!!! It looks like it may be the same shape and colour like your vase! Unfortunately there is no photo of the mark, but...!

      And look here - it's another vase with a mark very similar to the mark on your vase, and the green bowl at your neighbour-museum:

      (And this one is also from - with yet another ww signature..
    7. Katzl Katzl, 11 years ago
      Oh, and I'm looking forward to see the other brass box (that you mentioned) too!!!
    8. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Not a brass box, but a glass box with some metal on top of the lid. I'll share it soon!

      Thanks Katzl!!! You're being an unvaluable help in the research of this vase!
    9. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      At the Wiener Werkstätte photographic archives kept at the MAK in Vienna they have an entry for the very green bowl Katzl told us about (and you can see on pic. 4). It positively is a design by Josef Hoffmann, and according to them, this design could have been done by these factories:
      - Meyr's Neffe (Adolf bei Winterberg)
      - Johan Oertel & Co. ( Haida)

      (and one of them marked it with the mistery WW stamp)

      It was designed circa 1915 until 1919
    10. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      sweet!! , your a very lucky man!!
    11. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Sean! You're simply great ;)
    12. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      Your very welcome austro!!! :)
    13. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks petey!!!
    14. jensen jensen, 11 years ago
      I have no need for suspense novels when I can just follow posts like this! :-)
    15. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      LOL Jensen! :-)

      I'm really happy at finding out this one's a real hoffmann design. I really liked it ever since it arrived home but it was "exiled" to "the other house". Now it will come back with the remaning Hoffmann/Wienner Werkstätte stuff.
    16. Katzl Katzl, 11 years ago
      Wow!! That explains it - one of these producers must have been responsible for this mystery WW signature!! Great research!!

      I'm very happy if I can help, and also I think it's a lot of fun to research WW things! :)
    17. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 11 years ago
      Thanks Katzl! Well, in fact any research is big fun, specially when you get to "solve a mistery" :) -I wonder if I got this from my Famous Five readings as a kid :)-

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