Posted 11 years ago
(199 items)
Trunkman said he had an article he wanted me to read so I gave him my address. Couple of days ago, I find a small package in my box with a return address I didn't recognize. When the bomb squad opened it, this fell out. What a pleasant surprise to find myself in possession of one of these high quality squares. U.S. made so doesn't have the familiar warning label, "MADE IN CHINA". These are great for picture frames, shadow boxes etc. & I still do that sort of thing. I put an old silver guilder & 1/10 guilder for size reference but then added a U.S. quarter realizing there may be a few people on CW who aren't dutch. What the heck, I threw in a 20 centavos U.S Filipinas dated 1917 along with some of my older tools that the square compliments. Notice T-Mon that you have been upgraded to a capital M. Greatly appreciated & will be put to good use!
These are great!!!! very nice of "T-Mon"!!!
That's where that square went...??? Love the third pic with all the pieces -- and you are welcome BB2 -- and since I am Dutch I appreciate the guilder...
Gotta love it. You forgot to mention it is brass bound and probably a Cocobolo wood handle. These were made to last forever and if treated well they do. This is a very fine looking piece.
T-Mon, I wondered about the "Van" in your name? The 1/10th guilder is silver & they were minted in The U.S. & is 1944. When we , I guess, technically were owned by Germany. Thanks again!
Well done T-Mon, so generous & such a nice vintage tool, love it!
Thanks fhr. I was trying to identify the wood. Researching the maker, Henry Disston & Sons. Seems Henry started the business in 1840 & it operated under that name until 1955. ("Phila ad.'a. U.S.A. No 1"). 115 yrs is a pretty good run under one name. Still has bluing on the steel blade.
I have several Disston hand saws out in the shop. They are not used now just appreciated in their retirement.
fhr, did they use cocobolo on saw handles? Seems like they would be heavy for work.
Well T-Mon, my relationship with your gift has just been consummated. With the World Cup on, I made a bracket to mount a small dutch flag next to the tag on my "Indian". We both enjoyed it & made it together. LOL. Guess it's the German flag tomorrow.
Glad you have it "Squared away" BB2.... Dutchmen wear wooden shoes to keep the woodpeckers off their heads.... just sayin'....
In your letter, you mentioned a comment I had made about mounting handles & it's driving me crazy(or crazier) trying to remember. Do you remember what poste so I can get some sleep. Well, time to make my Sunday "Brownie Tour" on the mean 180.
God help me find the post -- but you gave an off-handed remark about making leather handles for trunks and a little play by play on how to do it... seemed like nothing to you which is why you would not remember it. I laughed to myself because while I can take off canvas and put on a lick of paint I have little skill or acumen for anything more advanced than that. Which of course made me think of the natural craftsman in you. Now get to sleep.... and what the heck is a "Brownie tour on the mean 180" in reference to -- you trying to make me lose sleep? (motorcycle is my guess...)
Eye -- Bingo -- that was the conversation -- I think that bb2 used the word awl -- I have no idea what an awl is... here is the quote "T-man, I've always made my own leather handles & sewn them with a leather awl or simply taken my prepped work to the shoe shop. Wet the leather after & rub the edges with a smooth object until it is what you want and let dry. Easy & not really "work". (another 4 letter word that ends in "k"). -- " The word "Easy" and "Not really work" was also humorous to me.... this would not be easy.... I would take just take an old belt and nail it in and it would look like cr_p. Thus the inspiration and appreciation of a true craftsman BB2... I tip my hat....
Yeah icollect, that would be the one. An awl/leather stitching awl is a wooden handled sewing (well, awl) that uses waxed thread feed from a spool in the handle thru a large needle for sewing leather etc.. Any leather shop or Tandy store sells them for a few pence. Anybody trying it for the 1st time, contact me & I can give the few tricks needed from experience. Ignoring experience & other's mistakes is not a virtue.
Yes T-Mon, it is a 180cc street bike. The Brownie Tour is a bit trickier. A friend of mine who lives in CO & comes down every year for the Heineken Regatta, grew some "sensimella" from seeds I got for him several yrs ago. He brought down a lb. of industrial strength brownies. I quit ganja decades ago & we gave away most of it (the Jamaican gate guards love me) but I tried a piece. When he left, there was a quarter lb. left so I saved it. Every Sunday when there is no traffic, I eat a piece & take the "Brownie Tour" of the island. Only 1 piece left so next Sunday is the last "Brownie Tour"! Some friends are anxious about what the following week will bring. Last Sunday I flew over to Anguilla with some friends in their plane for a jazz fete & that was a real trip. If you haven't guessed, I'm still on "tour".
Hello BB2 , What happened to that posting from lasting? im mean the egg crusher.LOL :)
I have no idea Sean! Maybe we got a little to risque or imaginative? I was having fun! I mailed Inky to follow it and it just diss'd on us. Guess we did kind of pirate the poste. I miss it & sorry Penny didn't get to follow it. Was it an egg crusher? Looked like the teeth from a giant paranha & still gives me the "willies".
LOL!! I was as well having fun too !! too bad because it was a great posting!! :)
Don't think CW has a complaint box. Maybe should get one! Well, at least we know what humour is!
I honestly have to admit that when I see a comment from "Roy" on any of my posts, I approach opening it with considerable trepidation! Hey thanks for this one. Haven't heard it in yrs, and is probably in the top 5 old "slap-stick/vaudeville" acts ever & I truly enjoyed it once again! Don't think for a moment that this will leave me off-guard for future "Dread, Roy comments". I was born at nite, - but not last nite!
-nope nothing to say been working on my blog page ...and was thinking who's older then me and will enjoy this
being your older then dirty u came up ...smiling
Hey Roy, I act 34! They say, "You are only as old as you feel". Some mornings, that can be a scary thought!
Don't think for a moment that this will leave me off-guard for future "Dread, Roy comments". I was born at nite, - but not last nite!...
such a drama remember u drew first blood not
keep your guard up lol
Glad I'm the sane one in this crowd.....oops scratch that......:-)
Roy, I always keep my guard up and, in case you haven't heard, we have a King now! And kerry, I don't know about sane, but wise, I will vouch for!
T-Mon. I want to share a few tricks I've learned/found in my woodworking experience. When you cut sandpaper for your orbital/etc. sander, put a strip of masking tape down the side edges of the paper sand paper & an X of strips in the middle. They will last almost as long as the fabric backed paper & not tear easily.
Before opening a new can of varnish or paint, put a strip of masking tape across one side of the lid & can & cut where they open. This way, you can always put the lid back in exactly the same position as when opened & get a lot more life out of it.
I could write a book on these tricks & have actually been paid for several. I listen to experience & you should too.
LOL!!! Now I get it! I don't even remember what I was looking at to get to this point! Felt as if I was reading a comic strip! You all are just too funny! Thanks for the entertainment.
Looking forward to the next episode!
Shareurpassion, new episodes soon come if not going on as we speak! Only Roy keeps mediocracy active. Sorry Roy, but I just love to match wits with you! You think, and that's not a common trait in your country. LOL
Sorry to hear you only have one King ...We have a congress full of kings here in the states ,not to mention the court jesters.. that run about with all their money buying up the Kings...Did you pay me a complement grab a ok ...tehe
Guess I did Roy. Weak moment. Please keep this to yourself as I have a reputation to maintain.
I as well Buddy ...Been working on my aaaaaaaaa what are we calling it .lol just don't let it happen again. I can go anywhere and not get insulted... time for toes up enjoy the night ........later
I'm truly sorry. I won't let it happen again.
Hey blunder, there's a pink lamp on here under unsolved mysteries with your name on it! Looks like you've been moonlighting ;)
Share, you'll have to better directions. Like maybe the poster's name.
bb2, I always enjoy the camaraderie between many of the posters on this board. Really nice gift, and square, trunkman. They sure don't make things like they used to.
bb2, I think this is the April 27, 1909, Patent US919883 for your square, invented by Ernest A. King of Philadelphia and assigned to Henry Disston & Sons, Incorporated.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that has scans of the actual patent:
Thanks Solver for all that great info.