Posted 11 years ago
(7 items)
Part of my "Orphan" photo collection, bought at a antique shop somewhere in Nova Scotia. I love it when the photos have something written on them, some indication of who the person was. A full name or just a partial, a date, an indication of the event taking place. This one was a really great find! While the image on the front isn't that spectacular, a formal portrait that usually doesn't interest me, the writing on the back is really special. A remembrance of the women, very faintly identified as "Aunt Kate Conor" (I think, the writing is barely visible).
Back of photo reads “This is grandma. Grandma was a good old soul and she used to bake the pies we only read about now. She lived in the country and I went to visit her. While in the country I gathered the eggs every morning and spent long days in the attic. One day while I was gathering eggs my foot slipped and I let the eggs fall from the loft on grandad who was pitching hay below. Grandad looked like an egg custard with straws in it to drink from.”
It is wonderful to get this little snippet of a life. I like to look at orphan photos and imagine who they were, and for this I got a little more then what facial expressions, body language, and clothing can offer.