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Broken Pestles

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (274 items)

    When I was a teenager in Missouri back about 1970 I traded a couple of nice surface find arrowheads for these two pestles. I got them from a man said he got the somewhere in California. The shorter pestel was glued together and I seperated the two halves. The longer pestle is as I recieved it. Long story short I sold all my hundreds of arrowheads many years ago but somehow these two items remained in my storage lost and forgotten. Now I am wondering what I have and if the are even legal to own. The breakage looks too intentional and I wonder if maybe they were burial goods? Are these something I can own, sell, or give away? Are they something that needs to be turned over to some legal authority and if so who? Reguardless they are awesome pieces of stonework.

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    1. screima, 14 years ago
      This may or maynot apply to your artifacts depends on the location in California where they were found but I have some artifacts that were broken on purpose and I will tell you the history of mine .
      durning the mid to late 19th century in extreme N.E. California, N.E.Modoc County to be precise the US Army established Fort Bidwell a small outpost for the purpose of gathering the local native american( Piaute) in the area & placing them on a reservation. The NAmericans refused The villages gathered in one place together aprox 12miles out of Fort Bidwell when the army came to force them on to the reservation
      They revolted and fled the area and consequently they destroyed what couldn't be easily carried.
      I have a two impressive morters that I pieced together from there.
      Anyway thats the history behind my broken artifacts. As I said it may or maynot help you.

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