Posted 11 years ago
(702 items)
I picked these 7 heavily embossed cardboards at the flea market. 6 of them depict a cartoon called The Human Race in what looks to be the late 30's early 40's. The lower right corner is embossed with Traveler's Safety Society. Apparently they deal with driving safety and foolish driving. There is also one that deals with the U>S> Forestry service. The 6 about driving are approx. 5"x8" inches while the one on forestry is 41/2 x6". I can find no info on The human Race or the Traveler's safety society. Upon closer inspection of the forestry card it deals with the legend of Johnny Appleseed and his travels and pretty well dates the card to the 1930's. Thanks again for any info about these.
These are great!!!!
Thanks Sean, glad you love them. I'm hoping to learn more as people see them.
I'm wondering if these were made to be used with a squeegee and ink to make repetitive prints? (clearly unused) They may have had them made in volume to then be sent out to school's etc and printed on site. A thought but no knowledge so ignore at will lol!
Thanks racer4four, all ideas are acceptable at this point. theses plates all have numbers on the bottom which suggests they are part of a series.