Posted 11 years ago
(559 items)
I love the blue of this bud vase from Whitefriars, 1960s.
Nice wide base to handle the height of the neck and a flower without a disaster happening.
I have an Alsterfors vase quite similar to this which I will post in comparison (sometime!)
Height 25cm (10in)
The little hyacinth vase is also Whitefriars about the same era.
Colour is called Arctic Blue - lovely petite thing!
Height 6cm (1.5in)
I apologise to any Whitefriar's officiants. I know you are out there and questioning why I don't know model numbers, and proper dates and colours!
Here's the story. I picked up a few pieces of WF and got interested, joined a few groups. Those groups made recent events here look like a playground spat - the intensity and vitriol overcame any desire I had to really get into Whitefriars glass. The end.
"Vitriol" ....I always liked that
Great noun! Don't like it though..
Thanks Mike and Sean too for commenting and thanks to all the lovers!