Posted 11 years ago
(1232 items)
Didn't find much of anything today but they were processing a lot of jewelry yesterday at Salvation Army. So when I got there this morning this was right in the middle of the top shelf of the case. It was priced fairly high compared to 90% of what's in there. Also, it was in it's original box so I asked to see it. I'm so out of my element, but reading the bar code label on the back told me exactly what it was. I even knew what "FWP" stood for. Now fresh water pearls are common and not very valuable especially dyed ones, but the rest of this necklace was coral and aventurine, a form of quartz. So at least it's all natural materials and not synthetics. I'll assume the clasp and the few spacer beads are sterling but I'm no jewelry expert. It's probably not worth a lot, but I'm sure it's worth way more than what I paid for it. -Mike-
Nice one Mike!
No plastic here.
Thanks everyone :)..... like I say I do look at jewelry just not very sure about real vs costume. If the tag hadn't been on the box I would have never figured out what this piece was made of. It is heavy and nicely put together it just looked like a quality piece. Now where's the gold, diamonds, rubies and