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Grapette Grape soda bottle.

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (40 items)

    1946? If the liquid is still in the bottle does that make a difference?

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    1. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Grapette was trademarked in 1939/40, your bottle is 1940's. People have been known to refill and recap bottles, although yours may very well be original contents by what I can see in photos. Some collectors will pay premium for full bottles.
    2. Ivan Ivan, 14 years ago
      Whats curious is the color of the liquid... its more of a aqua color. I assume it was purple in its prime. Can the color change over the years? hmmm...
    3. StihlCollector StihlCollector, 14 years ago
      Yes, color and contents will break down over time, sunlight, storage, ect, that is why I say yours is probably original content, but not sure.
    4. Ivan Ivan, 14 years ago
      I will have to look into that then. thanks SC

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