Posted 11 years ago
(310 items)
Happy Independence Day Weekend! For this special weekend I've chosen the Colt Model 1911 Pistol.
Talk about iconic, The Model 1911 was standard issue in the US armed forces from 1911 till 1924, when some slight modifications were made and it became the Model 1911A1. As the A1, it continued as the standard issue until 1985. That’s over 70 years of service, covering WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. It continues to be the pistol of choice for some Special Operations personnel.
As a young enlisted man, I was so interested in the 1911, that I used to volunteer to clean my commander’s M1911A1, just to practice taking it apart and putting it together.
Although other companies would eventually produce the 1911 series, mine was manufactured by Colt. The serial number on my 1911 indicates it was made in 1917. It has all the original features of the pre-A1 Model 1911: thinner front sight, original hammer spur configuration, longer trigger with no relief cut behind it, and flat spring housing behind diamond cut wooden grips. The left side is marked “UNITED STATES PROPERTY” and the right side is marked “MODEL OF 1911. U.S. ARMY”.
Although Parkerizing started at the end of WWI, I believe mine may have been Parkerized as part of refurbishment in WWII. The finish only shows wear to the high points on the slide, frame and muzzle.
The ammo pouch I’m displaying with my pistol is marked “P.B.&CO. JAN 1918.” The magazines are later issue. The ammo shown are actually dummy rounds I use for display, although the cases have 1941-1945 military headstamps. I’ll post the uniform I’m using as background at a later date.
The holster shown was actually scavenged from a dumpster on Ft Ord, California. The post was closing and the 7th Infantry was casing its colors, so a lot of stuff was just thrown out. There was enough waste to anger any American taxpayer, but it was also a golden opportunity to rescue a lot of stuff that was headed for the dump.
Ammo: The M1911 fires the .45 ACP round. Original U.S. military ball ammo was a 230 grain full metal jacketed round nose bullet with a velocity of 855 feet per second. I use the same bullet backed by 4.8 grains of Hercules Bullseye, averaging 779 fps. It shoots high, but by adjusting my aim point I can stay inside the 8 ring at 25 yards.
WARNING: Load data is provided for information only. Many vintage firearms are unsafe to shoot and I do not advise use of this load data for other firearms since I do not know the specific firearm that may be involved or its condition.
Holy Grail city.
Hope you had a great 4th chris!
We carried these during Desert Storm in the 101st ABN (AASLT).
I had one of the real early ones with the blued finish yrs ago. It had been issued to a coworker's father during WWI & even had the magazine with the lanyard loop. If I remember right, this was the one that would bite the web of your thumb. A beauty this. Have you accuratized yours? I've done several & it really tightens the groups.
They do tend to draw a little blood from the shooter. When you hold one you know you have a gun in your hand and when you fire one you really know.
Scott, I's surprised .45s in the 101st. I had been issued my 9mm by then.
Blunder, no I didn't do any accurizing on this piece.
Fortapache, I have yet to be bit by a 1911, but yes the pre-A-1s certainly have that reputation
All: Sorry it's taken so long to respond. It's been busy here w/the good weather. Here in the Great Northwest we get a short period of dependable dry weather to do outside chores like house painting, etc.
I was married to one of these for 11 years. There isn't a man made it won't take down even with glancing hit. Although it is best suited for fairly close use. Once you get out much over 20 yards they tend to stray. At my age the old sawed off works best but this .45 was my favorite.
I need one of these the way the crime and break ins are occurring in my area ! I have never shot a gun am afraid of them but I am going to learn. Sad times when you have to but it is the world we are living in now in cities all aroun small town USA .
You are so right Manikin, it's a very sad thing indeed. It is a good thing to protect yourself and thoroughly learn to use them. It's fun if you're just target shooting.
Shar I have always feared holding a gun I have to get past that ,my 2nd concern is I am so small if I don't fire anyone could grab it from me . Never thought I would let one in house but ready to now .
Sounds serious. Lots of practice and focus and you will be ok, no matter what your size. As long as you know that you are not pulling a gun to scare someone. You pull to shoot. It's pretty much the same everywhere now. People have lost even the idea of having morals. Let alone how low our education system has fallen.
Mani at our age leave the hand gun out for home protection. Get a scatter gun, you can't miss. Get a taser or stun gun to carry out with you. You start blasting away with a .45 or 9mm in a parking lot and innocent people will get hurt. The object is self defense not blowing everyone away. Besides, your stomach will turn inside out after you pull the trigger and hit the wrong target.
fjhr your right . I just better get some pepper spray . However my luck I would spray my own face . Our neighbor was broke into a few days ago . I fear not them stealing but the worse thing that could happen to a woman . When people are killing their own kids everyday in news ya wonder what has become of the moral compass of new generation. Let's just go to a dance and not shot anyone !!
As you might guess......I'm an avid weapons owner, they have their place, usually just under my left arm. But seriously, the way times have progressed, you just don't know what to expect. I've always agreed with what my Father told me long ago.... "Better to have a weapon and not have to use it...Than to have the need and not have one"
Your dad was right Kerry and I agree to a point. The point being when when you are older you need a bit better coverage if it comes to do or die. As for Mani....forget the pepper spray. It won't have any effect on someone on drugs, it will just piss them off. When we get older we need a bit different defense.
hey who is old !! lol
I have a drug house across the street that are renting we are trying to get them out but heck what do they want my Estrogen ?????? lol
Slow down know I was talking about the gun in the picture don't you? It is old but well taken care of and ready to use.
I wonder if I could be a salesman?
LOL you want to sell Estrogen fhr that's cool . In fact it does cool :-)
Well...I might. I think I still have an injector for such things.
Thanks for the love fhrjr2, EJW-54, Manikin, Uxbridgeite, Windwalker, MrsWarren, blunder, petey and fortapache.
I'm a proponent of a shotgun for home defense, a handgun if concealed carry is reasonable under the circumstances, and pepper spray for anyone who is not going to take enough time with a firearm to learn to handle it in an emergency until it becomes second nature, or unwilling to practice with it on a frequent basis afterwards.
Mani, if you decide to get a gun & ever have a need to draw on somebody, Don't hesitate to pull the trigger. I did 1st time & they didn't. Take my word for it when I say it hurts when a bullet goes thru you! The other option is to learn to run faster than a bullet.
Blunder and Chris to tell the truth I don't know if I could pull the trigger . It would be for home invasion only ! not to carry out of house . Blunder I took care of many gun shot victims and it is not pretty . I was a para medic and RN how could I kill someone . I don't know how I would react with a gun in my hand that scares me or would intruder scare me more ???
Mani, if you have doubts that you could pull the trigger even when you life is at stake, don't get one. You would probably just end out putting another gun in criminal hands that may be used to harm others. 1st time is the hardest. I always fire a warning shot. It's the last shot!
Sound advice from Blunder. If you are not sure you could kill, go for a non-lethal alternative. There are some major pepper spray guns for home use that are more disabling than the little things some people carry in their purses.
I think that is what would happen Blunder they would wind up with gun , Agree Chris something to put put someone blind so I can get away . I live in a quiet peaceful street 6 houses from a grade school and other side 2 houses from childrens park and now a drug house started across street and one break in right next door . Scary and also for all the kids on street that walk to school come fall . They had one shoot out at that house already bullets in outside siding :-(
Thanks all you have helped me get determined to get something and have gave me pros and cons which help ! Many Thanks
Ok, Mani I will throw in another two cents. Someone comes to your door you don't know. You are a female. It isn't uncommon for a female to clean the oven or to answer the door with a spray can of oven cleaner in her hand. If you need to use it go for the eyes. It will save you and they won't recognize you in court. Hornet spray that shoots a stream will work but isn't caustic. Both are non lethal, legal forms of ways you can defend yourself. They are also cheaper than pepper spray which doesn't work on someone taking some drugs, it will just piss them off.
fhr I am calling you if they break in so be ready ! Self cleaning oven . I can see who is at my door and never answer if I don't lknow you . These guys that are breaking in houses in a mile radius of mine are going through basement windows ,attached garages ,cutting screen doors in day light and night 2 occured at 5pm others at night . I think they should sell tranquilizer guns put them to sleep quick .
Feel free to call. Unfortunately I have no problem pulling the trigger or using anything else at my disposal. Self cleaning oven is an excuse. We have one also but we keep oven cleaner handy as well as wasp spray and we don't have wasps. It boils down to whether or not you react in a given situation. Give me a call but also give me some lead time to get there. Have an electrician wire a hot wire with a kill/shut off switch to your door knobs and metal windows. It is not exactly legal everywhere but neither is breaking into someone's home. I wired a camper once when I lived up north and a fool tried getting in during a rain storm. I never had a problem again, although my son refuse to use his key to get in until I got there. Smart boy.
For cellar windows: place a hand grenade in can just large enough for it & anchour can well (some large whole tomato cans are good), run thin wire across window from the grenade fuse & anchour wire on opposite window frame, remove safety pin & move to a safe distance & count to at least 10 slowly before going upstairs.
blunder ya want me to explode myself :-)
Here is my local news today if ya think I am kiddin"!bficfb
Nice iron!
Well Mani, I will concede that you might need a few more minutes of instruction & a warning not to forget that it is there when you use that door or window. Also, be sure the lever on the grenade IS INSIDE the can when you pull the pin! LOL.
Anti-personnel mines can be fun too! Just kidding with you Mani. Best not to do what I do at home.
Thanks for the love tom61375 and kerry10456
Mani, you could find somebody who isn't adverse to "drive-by's". Might be doing the neighbourhood a favor!
Move them out Mani, of matches a little fuel on the front door 4 in the morning and seeing how you want them to live, none on the back door.. they will move on like the cockroaches they are ....smiling see no blood te he I'm old but still bold..
You guys want me to go to jail lol and big Maxine will get me there ! My neighborhood has mostly elderly people who have lived here since Noah built his ark and afraid they all have cataracts :-( or have had strokes .I have one family and myself willing to try and drive them out of her if we can't blunder and roy bring your friends over :-)
I wanted to read the comments for Manikin and I'm glad I did. I agree with them and want to say that I have a hand held "zapper" thing and I will tell you, that thing scares me waaaay more than any gun! I think because I know I would have to be so freakin close to the perp-within arms reach! Oh that's a hell no! It is so true about a gun being 2nd nature. It's still a scary thing, just sitting there waiting. That's what I did years ago. Thank goodness no one actually came thru that door. I know what I would have had to do and yes, I was shaking.
On the lighter side, Marty, I LOVE your comment about fharjr being an estrogen salesman!!! LMAO! Good one!
I carried one of these and 4 of us tried to see who could hit a small tree trunk first!! We all missed!!
Tora, these are closer to throwing 1 pellet at a time like a shotgun until you install a snug barrel bushing, tighten the slide & do other modifications. Your shooting sounds like when I lived in Jamaica and gunmen came in to kill somebody. You hoped you were their intended target as that was the safest person there!