Posted 11 years ago
(284 items)
I believe these earrings are old and art deco. They are marked 830 which means they are silver and probably old european. The beads have a wonderful rich opaque yellow colour that make me think of eggyolk. The seller thought it might be amber but I have a feeling it´s not, I bought it with the intention that it was art deco and stone or some sort of early plastic. I don´t know if it´s stone (some sort of calcedon?) or an early plastic like maybe catalin. I need some ideas from you on this.
I´ve noticed this: they give away a very mild and vague smell of perfume/pine/medicin (sorry I´m not god with discribing smells) when put in a plastic bag and then opened. It doesn´t smell more from warm water. It feels hard and stonelike and seams to be brittle as there are some small cracks in the beads in some places, but not a lot. It looks like a hard material that´s been cut into round beads. Any thoughts and ideas from you are welcome! I haven´t been able to find simichrome polish nor 409 cleaner in my country yet...
Aghcollect, nutysabotas6 and Dr Fluffy thank you!
Pops52 thanks!
Thanks moonstonelover21!
Thank you Valentino97, yes european but I'm not sure where. I haven't seen this type of Stone before so I'm thinking it's not scandinavia but I could be wrong ofcourse. I don't think they are very common. They would fit perfectly with a eggyolk bead necklace that you see on line for loads of money, but I got these for a good price.
Thanks PhilipDavidAlexandermorris!
Thanks Racer4four!
Thanks sarahoff!
Thanks freiheit, Agram.m, Geo26e, Sean68 and tom61375!
You can order for Simichrome in the States, Germany, Holland the will send it to you only you have to Google. Because of the smell the earrings could be Bakelite.
Det är svårt att säga utifrån foton vad det kan vara... Men verkligen väldigt fina iafl!
Det skulle kunna vara bakelit. Om du har någon gammal burk med Häxans silverputs (typ plåtburk med rosa "putsvätska") kan det funka istället för Simichrome också. Det är lite svårt att beskriva hur bakelit luktar, men kemiskt!
Men det kan vara någon form av bärnsten också! Eller Kopal?
Thanks Agram, because I haven't found it here I thought it might contain some substance that isn't allowed in the EU. But maybe that was wrong. I have bought a product here that has exactly the same usage as simichrome. I will test when I get home.
Hej Katzl! Tack för dina idéer. Jag har testa lite med häxans men inget syns på topsen. Nu har jag köpt en annan metallputs som jag ska testa, återkommer med resultat. Jag har testat putsen på ett halsband och pastan är vit, men topsen blev gul. Få se vad som händer i kontakt med mina örhängen. Ja de är fina, roligt att du tycker det också. Jag ska kolla närmare på dina andra förslag också.