Posted 11 years ago
(1232 items)
Forgot about a couple of things I picked up from the July 4th half price sale at Salvation Army on Friday. This little 4 1/2" round satin glass vase caught my eye. It's a deep forest green with a vertical optic stripe in it that's visible when the light shines through it. The white hand painted flowers are on one side only. Most of the gilt on the ruffle top is gone except for tiny glints here and there. The band on the bottom however is in great shape. It's very pleasing to hold the finish is like silk and super smooth. The ruffles are a bit irregular in a couple spots. They dip down farther than the others. It's not broken but there is a nick in one and it's sharp! I always run my fingers over glass to feel for invisible nicks and that's how I found that one....ouch !. I think this beauty is pretty old probably early Victorian but clueless as to the maker. -Mike-
Hey Mike, this catches my eye too! What a beauty!
Thanks pops52 :)......smiata......agh.......and Radegunder for the "loves".
Thanks Ken :)
Just about anything green and gold looks Bohemian to me too id... great minds think
Not sure??? Victorian ??
Ruffles confuse me ~ LOL ~ as not a ruffly type of Gal...
Bohemian ?? Fenton ?? Webb?? I do not know... but I love it !!
Sometimes I find the quickest way to get help Id'ing a piece is to purposely say it's something it's not. Then you'll get all the help and opinions you want. :P
you just blew your cover Mike!!! Beautiful vase!!
Thanks Sean :) .... lol.... but I would never really do that now or would I.
Some people's comments aren't very nice or just down right snarky. I found a few posts where people were being told that their dream find was either modern or fake and not very nicely.You can educate people without being demeaning or condescending. Personally I can deal with that but I'm sure some people feel hurt and insulted.
I so agree mike!!!
well mike did you ?LOL!! Just kidding :) heehee :)
As much as I love Asian art it's by far the hardest to authenticate. Some really good fakes out there that even fool the experts. Ebay is loaded with them. I think you have a better chance finding something at the thrifts than Ebay. I had my fifteen minutes of fame when I found my Chinese 18th century export bowl. It took almost a year to authenticate it and get it to auction and it still hasn't sold as of today. It's got about 10 days to go and this is the second listing with a lowered reserve. I will be a bit disappointed if it doesn't sell but not to get it back. Finds like that are what keep all of us collectors going.
Me too :)..... I learn a lot from everyone I talk to. Wish we all didn't live so far away from each other . What a get together that would be !