Posted 11 years ago
(1 item)
Can someone tell me what this chair is? We found it in my grandparents basement while cleaning out the basement.
No one remembers anything about it or what it is. Any help identifying and dating it would be appreciated.
The bottom is marked PINE as seen in photo, surrounded by small stars and an eagle. There is writing under the eagle but I cannot read it.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I can't read it either but remember it is a large company that made loads of faux antiques but didn't try to pass them off as such. Think the were in New England or NC. The workmanship was pretty good but pine is easy to work with and pine, is still pine. My guess is late 50's thru late 70's but could easily still be in business. As I remember, the logo looked burned into the wood.
Thanks so much. Do you have any idea what it is? I thought a spinning chair, or small coffee table, but totally not sure.
What do you want it to be and that's what it is! LOL Always loved that response. I'm really not very good at naming styles & the common names often diff. between regions. I think this would be called by some people, a deacons/parsons chair or even a corner chair. Chairs that didn't take up much space, such as in a corner for unscheduled guests. I clk'd because I like the dual design that I haven't seen before and thinking I could make one for my own place.
Looking closer with the idea of making one out of red woods, the back rest would be a weak place & I'm trying to figure out how make it strong. That may prove difficult. This must be more decorative, even as a coffee table.
Thanks again. I took it from the basement because not only do I like, also thought it was unique. Right now it is in the corner of my living room.
Voila! I'l est corner chair!