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Zenith Console

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Console Radios62 of 117Electrohome  hi fi console1946 Magnovox Belvedere
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1 item)

    We have this Zenith Console radio but cannot find any marking as to what the model is or it's history - there are tubes and a rather large speaker in the back....can anyone tell me anything about this console...thanks so much!

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    1. walksoftly walksoftly, 11 years ago
      A more detailed photo would be nice.
    2. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 11 years ago
      Thinking it is the model 12-S-370, from 1939.

      T A
    3. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 11 years ago

      T A
    4. TubesValves TubesValves, 11 years ago
      A Beautiful console which I believe is the 9-S-367 from 1939 featuring the "new Robot Dial". It receives 3 bands and has 9 tubes.
      Cheers ~ Tony
    5. ChazDaSpaz ChazDaSpaz, 11 years ago
      Yep, that's the '39 Zephyr. Although my heart belongs to the 1938 shutterdials, you gotta love those wraparound Zephry fins! I have a Zenith chairside with those wraparounds.

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