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vintage greeting cards series

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Valentines Day Cards34 of 51Vintage valentine paper dolls Frey's Valentine Express Post
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    Posted 11 years ago

    (27 items)

    I am a long time and addictive collector. I have completed several collections, i.e. Hallmark Land of Make Believe, Dolls of Nations and Little Women series, American Greetings Storyland Doll Cards (found 14), Greetings, Inc. International Doll Cards (found 8), Fairfield Nursery Rhyme Doll Cards (found 8), Fairfield Nursery Rhyme and Story Cards - boys (found 8). There was also a great boxed set of note cards: Dolls of Many Lands by Tichner Bros - had those since I was a kid (in the 50s-60s).

    I would like to know if anyone has a collectors guide which lists these series. I know about Hallmark, but what of all the others? Without a list, I won't know if a series is complete.

    Some I'm still working to complete are Fairfield International Story Cards of boys, have Eric from Switzerland, Guido from Italy and Juan from Spain, but am still seeking Pablo from Mexico, Ichiro from Japan, Hendrik from Holland and Erin from Ireland. Don't know if there are more to the series. Anyone??

    Also working on Fairfield multi fold story cards, i.e. have Mary Had a Little Lamb, Red Riding Hood, Hansel & Gretel, Queen of Hearts, Cinderella, 3 Men in a Tub, Farmer in the Dell and a similar Circus - but are there more?? Art Guild also had a double sided story series but I've only found two: Cinderella/Prince and Goldilocks/Three Bears.

    Four pictured are from the A-Meri-Card story book doll series: Prince Charming, Cinderella, Jack of Hearts and Queen of Hearts. The art on these is gorgeous.

    The paper doll card pictured is by one of my favorite artists. Does anyone know who that artist may be? I would love to hear from you. I do have quite a collection of the paper dolls, as well as many valentines. Haven't found a non-valentine card by her/him yet.

    Would love to correspond with any other collectors of similar items.

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    1. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 11 years ago
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 11 years ago
      I love these! Have no knowledge of a guide. I'd love one too!! Fab!
    3. missmuffet, 8 years ago
      I have been collecting the Fairfield Story Birthday Cards.
      I have 12: Hiawatha, Alice in Wonderland, Goldilocks, Cinderella, Queen of Hearts, Robin Hood, Little Miss Muffet, Little Bo Peep, Little Red Riding Hood, Little Boy Blue, Cowboy Joe.

      There are 2 more that I don't have: Peter Pan & Mary had a Little Lamb - that I'm still looking for. I'm not sure if there are others.
    4. lovekidscards lovekidscards, 8 years ago
      Missmuffet - good to hear from you. Yes indeedy there are more to the series. I have all the girls, including Mary Had a Little Lamb. And the boys include Tom Sawyer, Davy Crockett and Billie the Mountie. There may have been 10 or 12 in each set (girls & boys), but who knows. Do you collect other sets? Oh, if only there were a reference book! Have "Collecting Vintage Children's Greeting Cards," by Linda McPherson, but not complete or very helpful.
      Hope to hear more from you - Tamara
    5. missmuffet, 5 years ago
      Hello Tamara,

      Sorry it's been so long. I have collected a few more of the Fairfield storycards. I have 8 girls and 6 boys now. Just missing Davy Crockett and Tom Sawyer. Could you send pictures of them? I would love to see them.

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