Posted 11 years ago
(27 items)
I combined book making (not the gambling kind) with paper doll crafting and made a book so that costume pages folded over the paper doll. Kind of awkward, but good enough. Too much work to do over.
I made it especially for the Los Angeles Paper Doll Convention last year, and actually won something. Be sure to check out the other pd in the book.
See now I'm learning more!
Paper doll making is not an art I have heard of here but must be bigger there to have a convention. And your skill is more than enough to win!!
What a fantastic idea - I will have to look it up more! (not that I can draw - thank heavens we have keyboards because my fine motor skill is so bad my writing is illegible....spent many an hour held back at school for writing lessons.)
Hi racer
Paper doll conventions happen at least once a year in different parts of the country - and although many artists do come, attendees are mainly a group of dedicated and rabid collectors... mostly ladies of grandmotherly years - those of us who remember actually playing with them as children. The artists who still paint and publish paper dolls (and there is still a lively market for pd books) were frequently fashion designers and artists who drew and painted for newspapers and magazines - now replaced by photography. These artists are much more accomplished than I am - but did not enter the contests.
Love this post!!