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1920's - LaPorte Bottling Works Blue-Tint Bottle

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    Posted 11 years ago

    (2304 items)

    This is a circa 1920's blue-tint glass bottle from the LaPorte Bottling Works of LaPorte, Indiana. - The top collar area is embossed with four stars and on one side LA PORTE and the other side BOTTLING WORKS.
    - Embossed around the lower bottom is LA PORTE, IND. and on the other side CONTENTS 7 FL.OZ. - Below that is 1868 - 27 (the 27 looks like it is changed in the mold occasionally, possibly to note year of manufacture)
    On the bottom is embossed in large letters L & V, the mold number 1, and a diamond (which has a letter in it but cannot be distinguished) - possibly an Owens-Illinois mark.
    - L & V is for Luebker & Voegler Bros. of which company history I could only find mentions of 1920 to 1925 in the LaPorte history archives. Believed to be a soda bottle.

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