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porcelain top table

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (107 items)

    this is my better table i love the lines on it found this one and another outside an old antique store in Amish country

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    1. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      thank you officialfuel!
    2. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      thank you tikiray!
    3. Ewok, 14 years ago
      How much should I pay for one of these types of tables?
    4. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      i find them here in ohio all the time for around 100 for the regular blank ones. but a really good one i would pay up to 350
    5. Dawn, 14 years ago
      We have one of these tables just like the one pictured up above. In good condition in our basement. Can you tell me how much it's worth? Maybe looking to sell it?
    6. Dawn, 14 years ago
      As can you give me any info on it, like around what year was it made?
    7. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      they were popular in the 40s-50s and earlier. hard to say without a pic. i would hazard a guess of 100-150 i have too many to buy any more i have around 8 plus enamel cabinets and hoosier cabinet
    8. Dawn, 14 years ago
      Thank you for your help with around about what year it could have come from. It helps.
    9. Lee Sayer, 14 years ago
      The wooden legs were the first ones,then the metal legs.Not sure of the years,have the wooden leg one in my shed.Haven't looked at it in along time,it seems to me mine has a small drawer that slides either way.We used it many many years ago in our kitchen.It was old then and that was in the mid 1950s.
    10. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      all of mine have the drawers and they have slots in them for silverware. the ones with the wood legs are harder to find
    11. junkmanjoe junkmanjoe, 12 years ago
      very nice!!
    12. eccentric1 eccentric1, 12 years ago
      Have this exact table in my kitchen as I type, it was in my Grandmother's house since before I was born. I remember using the lines on the table top as roads for matchbox cars. Thanks for the smile.


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