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coca cola tray

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Recent Activity10 of 185Coca Cola Serving Tray 1923 "Flapper Girl"1909 Coca-Cola Change Tray
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (107 items)

    i purchased this tray at a antique store in my town. i live in coshocton ohio and i think thats where coca cola trays were made but any ways not sure what is worth i got it for 11 dollars these things are every where here

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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      So you live in Coshocton, Ohio. I've got a 1915 porcelain thermometer on my site from there. It's a small world.
    2. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      yeah thats where i live. i think at one time the standard advertising plant was here but if it was its long gone. theres a guy here in coshocton that has literally hundreds of gasoline signs he found in the area ill have to take some pictures and put them on
    3. officialfuel officialfuel, 14 years ago
      Thanks oilman514.
    4. Elizabeth Spence, 14 years ago
      Wow, 11 Bucks? These things cost up to around 60. Your lucky.
    5. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      Your tray was produced in the 1950's and it's called the "Menu Girl" The value is between $50 to $75 depending on condition.
    6. tikiray tikiray, 14 years ago
      I saw one of these today at a little antique store in my town! It wasn't in as good condition as yours, I think they were asking $30 or $40 for it.
    7. Fifi, 14 years ago
      Know about this tray? One with a fiddle, blue and white crock of Coke, vegetables, and etc., that I got today $9.99; anyone know about this type?
    8. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 14 years ago
      These trays sell for around 40 to 50 in my neck of the woods.
    9. Signaholic Signaholic, 14 years ago
      I know that some of the earliest Coke thermometers were made in your hometown too. I'm thinkin of one in particular made in 1933. It was a bottle one.
    10. MarkOrr, 3 years ago
      The model's name is Diana Berry. She did one other Coke tray a few years earlier, with longer hair, and was a fairly popular model beginning in the late 1930s and into the 1950s. We have some ads she did for Saturday Evening Post around here somewhere. She was my grandmother's cousin. Last I heard of her, she was living in or near Ft. Myers, Florida, but that was at least ten years ago.

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